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Internal Hemorrhoids painful due to Pudendal Neuralgia

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2014 10:12 pm
I am wondering if anyone else has a problem with internal hemorrhoids being more painful due to the Inferior Rectal Nerve being effected by Pudendal Neuralgia? I am beginning to think that one that I have is esacerbating my pain and it flares up superficial nerve pain going down my leg (same side that has the hemorrhoid).

Has anyone gotten treatment for bothersome hemorrhoids while dealing with PN? If so, which type of treatment did you try and was it helpful, painful...?

Re: Internal Hemorrhoids painful due to Pudendal Neuralgia

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2014 2:08 am
by Violet M
Haven't had this myself but I remember one person who had anal pain was helped by nitroglycerin suppositories. Also anusol or some other type of steroid suppository might help. Belladonna and opium suppositories are another idea. Good luck.


Re: Internal Hemorrhoids painful due to Pudendal Neuralgia

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 9:52 am
by koj
I had internal hemorrhoid repair done while I was trying to figure out what was causing all of my pelvic and anal pain. My GE used a laser like instrument that reduced their size. It was three in office treatments, less than 5 minutes, they did give me some relief making a BM easier. It did not change my anal pain other than slight discomfort during and after the procedure.

Re: Internal Hemorrhoids painful due to Pudendal Neuralgia

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 11:31 pm
by Ray P.
I am the guy to talk to. To make a long story short that is what I was told I had when I complained about pain in my pelvic.
I had my hemmys taken care of and I still had pain. My hemmys came back after much straining, that is another long story.
I deal with hemmys now holistically.
Call me for more info before 7pm PST


Re: Internal Hemorrhoids painful due to Pudendal Neuralgia

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 1:58 am
by Violet M
Ray,you might want to edit your post to take out the phone # and send koj a PM with your #. We do get spammers on the forum sometimes and I don't want kooks calling you. ;)


Re: Internal Hemorrhoids painful due to Pudendal Neuralgia

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2015 7:47 am
by andreamartinez
That's very painful, I had one before. Aside from surgery, I also drink supplements that can easily heal the hemorrhoids but it's natural fruit juice supplement only. I drink bilimbi fruit juice drink since its gradually reduce the size and heal. It's not an overnight healing process but its worth the risk.

Re: Internal Hemorrhoids painful due to Pudendal Neuralgia

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2015 5:14 am
by Violet M
Andrea, what do you mean worth the risk? Is there a risk to drinking juice supplements?
