A block with five months of relief. it's possible!
Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2014 6:36 am
For patients with sciatica, lumbago and neuralgia refractory there is new hope: Resineferatoxina. A powerful analogue vanilloid extracted from a cactus called "resinefera euphorbia" analog sensory fibers of type C. This means that it is selective: Destroy the sensory fibers, but maintains the mechanical and motor function of the treated nerve. In a study of high degree, this drug could inactivate the pain of the leg of a horse for 5 months!
When applied intrathecally, the pain is definitely inactivated. It may be the greatest discovery for the treatment of pain in the century!
It is time for doctors, patients and academics take the lead in research and require from pharmaceutical commitment to a molecule that does not generate patents, unless modified.
"When given
into the lumbar cistern, the drug can access the entire cauda
equina, which encompasses much of the lumbar and sacralcoccygeal afferents. Depending on the exact parameters of
the intrathecal injection procedure, the volume administered,
and the dose, the drug can spread even higher. Given this
arrangement, pain originating from most of the lower half of
the body can be effectively treated with an intrathecal RTX [...]"
"This review examines existing preclinical and clinical studies related to resiniferatoxin (RTX) and its potential
uses in pain treatment. Like capsaicin, RTX is a vanilloid receptor (TRPV1) agonist, only more potent. This increased
potency confers both quantitative and qualitative advantages in terms of drug action on the TRPV1 containing nerve
terminal, which result in an increased efficacy and a long duration of action. RTX can be delivered by a central route of
administration through injection into the subarachnoid space around the lumbosacral spinal cord. It can also be
administered peripherally into a region of skin or deep tissue where primary afferents nerves terminate, or directly into a
nerve trunk or a dorsal root ganglion. The central route is currently being evaluated as a treatment for intractable pain in
patients with advanced cancer. Peripheral administration offers the possibility to treat a wide diversity of pain problems
because of the ability to bring the treatment to the site of the pain (the peripheral generator). While not all pain disorders
are appropriate for RTX, tailoring treatment to an individual patient’s needs via a selective and local intervention that
chemically targets a specific population of nerve terminals provides a new capability for pain therapy and a simplified and
effective approach to personalized pain medicine."
Source:http://benthamscience.com/open/topainj/ ... OPAINJ.pdf
When applied intrathecally, the pain is definitely inactivated. It may be the greatest discovery for the treatment of pain in the century!
It is time for doctors, patients and academics take the lead in research and require from pharmaceutical commitment to a molecule that does not generate patents, unless modified.
"When given
into the lumbar cistern, the drug can access the entire cauda
equina, which encompasses much of the lumbar and sacralcoccygeal afferents. Depending on the exact parameters of
the intrathecal injection procedure, the volume administered,
and the dose, the drug can spread even higher. Given this
arrangement, pain originating from most of the lower half of
the body can be effectively treated with an intrathecal RTX [...]"
"This review examines existing preclinical and clinical studies related to resiniferatoxin (RTX) and its potential
uses in pain treatment. Like capsaicin, RTX is a vanilloid receptor (TRPV1) agonist, only more potent. This increased
potency confers both quantitative and qualitative advantages in terms of drug action on the TRPV1 containing nerve
terminal, which result in an increased efficacy and a long duration of action. RTX can be delivered by a central route of
administration through injection into the subarachnoid space around the lumbosacral spinal cord. It can also be
administered peripherally into a region of skin or deep tissue where primary afferents nerves terminate, or directly into a
nerve trunk or a dorsal root ganglion. The central route is currently being evaluated as a treatment for intractable pain in
patients with advanced cancer. Peripheral administration offers the possibility to treat a wide diversity of pain problems
because of the ability to bring the treatment to the site of the pain (the peripheral generator). While not all pain disorders
are appropriate for RTX, tailoring treatment to an individual patient’s needs via a selective and local intervention that
chemically targets a specific population of nerve terminals provides a new capability for pain therapy and a simplified and
effective approach to personalized pain medicine."
Source:http://benthamscience.com/open/topainj/ ... OPAINJ.pdf