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Pain after Pudendal and Piriformis Nerve Block??
Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2014 5:17 pm
by missyl78
I am new to the forum, after many years of suffering with Endometriosis and 7 surgeries later they have now decided to try me on nerve blocks for the pudendal and piriformis. I just wanted to ask what people's pain was like following the procedure as they have warned that it could lead to an increase of pain for the following couple of weeks. Was this the case for you?? I could possibly have these done on 1st July but I am due to go on holiday to Spain on 13th July and do not fancy being in even more pain than I already am whilst on holiday! Do you think I would be better off waiting to have this done following my holiday?
Many thanks for the responses
Re: Pain after Pudendal and Piriformis Nerve Block??
Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2014 11:49 pm
by stephanies
I had a huge pain flare after all 3 of my nerve blocks. Some people do and some do not. My opinion -- wait if you can easily reschedule the block for when you return.
My best to you,
Re: Pain after Pudendal and Piriformis Nerve Block??
Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 9:43 am
by missyl78
Many thanks for your reply Stephanies, do you mind me asking how long your flare up was for and did it come on immediately after the injections.. just wondering if I need to pre warn my work to say I may be off after the injections?! Should I at least book the next day off?
Thanks again
Re: Pain after Pudendal and Piriformis Nerve Block??
Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 1:16 pm
by nyt
I have had many pudendal blocks and have gotten piriformis injections every 8-10 weeks for nearly 5 years. Only once did I flare from the piriformis injection and it was probably from the steroid. The pudendal blocks have been pretty divided whether I flare or not. Can never figure out why some times I do and other times I do not. Some flares are just a few days and other times last for 2-3 weeks and like I said there have been a few times no flares at all. Go figure
. We are all so different. No way to know for sure how you will respond.
Re: Pain after Pudendal and Piriformis Nerve Block??
Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 8:13 pm
by stephanies
If I remember correctly, the flares began a few days after the block. The longest pain flare I had was after a block to Alcock's canal it lasted about a month. The others were not as bad or as long. Nyt's post reminded me that I also had a piriformis injection of numbing agent and steroid and I did not get any flare from that one.
Re: Pain after Pudendal and Piriformis Nerve Block??
Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 11:36 pm
by rainyday
Was wondering if anyone knew if the Piriformis blocks need to be guided or can they just be done with no guidance? I had a coccyx block today. If I feel any flaring I'll post it here.
Re: Pain after Pudendal and Piriformis Nerve Block??
Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2014 3:51 am
by Violet M
I haven't had one so I'm not sure if they can be done without image guidance. It's a deep muscle so it seems guidance would be preferable. This article describes 3 types of guidance that can be used. ... erview#a15