labral tear

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labral tear

Post by rea »

I was told in Ga. I had a small labral tear and possible FAI. Dr. Byrd just told me no FAI and tear might be natural. His PA kept asking me about pn and showed me one of Popeney's test that was negative. She had all his reports where one showed "possible" pn but didn't show that. She said something about not questioning that I had PN. I felt like they didn't want to be bothered with me and didnt believe me. I was to go for MRI, pt, and possible injection. Got an xray and sent home. He told me to keep searching...that I had the internet. The PA didn't want me to go back into the office until I had stopped crying. I told her I wouldn't make a scene. Why get me all the way there to treat me that way? Oh, he made it sound like he was doing me a big favor. He wouldn't answer my questions or give a theory why my hip is sooooo swollen. I'm 47 and my sis is 44. My niece with us is 24. His PA asked if they were my daughters! That's how all this has aged me and wore me down! I know how others here have been treated by medical staff. It shouldn't be this way.
I've never lied about my symptoms. I told the doctors when my burning was easier to deal with. Thought the si fixation might help because I wanted to be 100% cured. I'm actually worse now but its more hip pain..burning is at level 1 or 2. Compared to the 10 I remember, its great! Of course I'm scared that it will come back but I believe that whatever is wrong with my hips is why I began pn symptoms.
Now, after rambling, has anyone had surgery for a "small" labral tear? I don't know which way to go now.
Symptoms began 6/27/12. Diagnosed with Vulvodynia.Estrace and Lidocane with no relief.
Uretha enlarged Aug. 2012. MRI of Lumbar in Sept. 2012.Normal. Did MRI 3 Tesla of ischial spine to Sacro Spin- Normal. Houston-Nerve Block 10-31-12 & MRI (MRN) entrapment of perineal branch, more on right side. Dr. Hibner- block of perineal branches and sclerozation w/relief over 1 month. SIJD/Piriformis Syndrome Left Side. Gabapentin 2400 mg.
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Violet M
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Re: labral tear

Post by Violet M »

Hi Rea,

That's sad that you weren't able to get any answers and just came away feeling worse. It sounds like this was a second opinion for you and one doctor is telling you one thing and another doctor another thing. That makes it tough to make a decision. It sounds like obviously there is something wrong with your hip if it's swollen. Did they rule out bursitis or arthritis?

PNE since 2002. Started from weightlifting. PNE surgery from Dr. Bautrant, Oct 2004. Pain now is usually a 0 and I can sit for hours on certain chairs. No longer take medication for PNE. Can work full time and do "The Firm" exercise program. 99% cured from PGAD. PNE surgery was right for me but it might not be for you. Do your research.
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