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Dr. Jason Cohen Contact Information

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 2:39 pm
by mod3
Dr. Jason Cohen is an interventional pain management specialist located in New Jersey. He combines medication, PT, interventional blocks, ultrasound therapy, and neuromodulation when indicated.

His offices are located in Hamilton and North Brunswick, NJ.

Phone: 609-890-4080

If you discover this information is outdated, please post an update. Thank you.

Re: Dr. Jason Cohen Contact Information

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 5:28 am
by kathyd
Has anyone used this doctor? I was wondering if he would be a resource. I live in North Central Jersey and have been seeing docs in NYC,
but noticed this doc is here in NJ. It would eliminate the expensive parking fees etc. of traveling to NYC for treatment. If anyone has used this doc, or lives in NJ and has a good pelvic pain doc or pain mgmt doc could you please respond or PM me?
thanks very much!

Re: Dr. Jason Cohen Contact Information

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 5:30 pm
by cancel327
Hi, kathy. I went this week to see dr. Jason cohen at his new jersey office. He seems very professional and understands pne condition. He and his team will work with me to combat pne. Its a slow process but i am confident i will get good results.
On june 4, i am schedule for first nerve block injection. He also has me on meds for nerve pain. I will keep u posted.
Also i live in nyc, and i couldnt find a doctor that treats pne.

Re: Dr. Jason Cohen Contact Information

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 3:45 pm
by kathyd
Thank you for the info..Its nice to know that some doc in NJ knows something about PNE. So Dr Cohen also does meds interventions as well? Thats great as I have been to various docs in the NJ NYC city area, and they were usually offering mainly blocks, with an attitude of (hey, maybe this will help? But at this point I could tell they were mostly guessing and selling us on an expensive block), Everyone's different but blocks have not been for me..
So the management with medicines for now,from a doc who listens would be more for me.
It sounds like he offers that. Thanks for posting, good luck and pls keep us posted on how you do!

Re: Dr. Jason Cohen Contact Information

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 5:36 pm
by cancel327
hi, kathy. i did the nerve block yesterday, and i have to tell you i didnt feel that confident with his work or staff.
it was performed at his surgical clinic. dr.cohens staff , starting from his nurses to his anestheisologist were more like school interns.
i ask him and his staff, how would he would be able to make sure the injection would reach the pudendal nerve.
he said via a xray. that seem odd, because xrays are for bones. i was semi sediate, and i really didnt notice when the injection took place.
it was conducted like a nascar pitstop. i feel that he is really not concerned about pne patients. his pratices are conducted more like a business.
for your insurance can pay his services. i will not see him again. if you can please give me the information on any nyc doctor that can treat this condition , i would be more than glad. thank you so much.

P.S . and by the way i think he just hit muscle with the injection.

Re: Dr. Jason Cohen Contact Information

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 2:55 am
by Violet M
I'm sorry to hear your nerve block did not go as well as you had hoped. This is not a comment on Dr. Cohen but just for informational purposes the injection at the Ischial spine can be done with x-ray because the pudendal nerve runs very close to that bone where the ST and SS ligaments cross. It's not uncommon for docs to use fluoroscopy (x-ray) for nerve blocks at the Ischial spine and one advantage would be there is not as much radiation as with a CT scan.

Re: Dr. Jason Cohen Contact Information

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 6:46 pm
by cancel327
thank you so much violet. i will continue searching for a better treatment.

Re: Dr. Jason Cohen Contact Information

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 1:05 am
by Violet M
It seems many of us have to travel with this illness, unfortunately. Good luck in your search and keep us posted. ;)



Re: Dr. Jason Cohen Contact Information

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:25 pm
by Bathsheba
Thanks, cancel 327

I am sorry you had this experience especially if you were somehow damaged by the injection and hope you are feeling better. Your input will help others assess whether to see him.

My own experience with nerve blocks was bad. Mine were guided by a cat scan. Both served the diagnostic function of confirming PN but alas did not appear to be providing any form of cure.


Re: Dr. Jason Cohen Contact Information

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 7:26 pm
by LisaRoy.66

Where did you have your CT Guided Pudendal Nerve Block done?
I've been searching for a Doctor who can give me a diagnosis, so I don't feel crazy anymore.
frustrated & in pain,

Lisa Roy