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Tests, Proof, mri, whatever.

Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 1:39 am
by SweetChoice
What are the exams, xrays that you need to prove that you got this.
I have mri, everything including all the shots, Nothing help, not even
botox. What I am looking, how do prove that I have this.

What exams and where do you buy them in U.S. or Canada. Suggest them.
I want to do get my things in order so I know what to do. Thanks.

Re: Tests, Proof, mri, whatever.

Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 7:18 am
by janetm2
Welcome to the forun,
The FAQs off the home page have the tests to rule out and then help with diagnosis. There are also links to doctors and PN aware PTs. Have you been to a PT to see if that muscle issues are your problem that they can help? Dr Gordon is the Canadian Dr and there is someone with him I believe that does nerve blocks that help with diagnosis.

Re: Tests, Proof, mri, whatever.

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 10:15 pm
by SweetChoice

Re: Tests, Proof, mri, whatever.

Posted: Sun May 11, 2014 9:24 am
by Positivepoppy
My MRI was normal, nerves are notoriously difficult to detect. I saw numerous specialists and no joy, finally through forums and internet research I found a UK based specialist that diagnosed bilateral PNE and consequently had decompression surgery this year.
The tests they did to diagnose were elimation of other conditions, nante criteria of symptoms, CT guided nerve blocks and high quality ultra sound test.
There is a list of specialists on the forum homepage. I am fortunate that although my GP had no knowledge or experience of this condition he has been supportive and willing to learn with me. It has really helped having him on board as since surgery the surgeon and consultant that diagnosed PNE have ignored me so I have had to deal post option very isolated but I'm getting there slowly but surely. Surgery is a huge decision so research extensively and I wish you all the best.