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Coming off Lyrica/Pregabalin Question for anyone who has

Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 10:39 am
by caz72me

I am not entirely convinced that Lyrica is helping me at all, my Dr keeps upping the dosage and still I don't think I've seen any improvement, I had my first Physio appt this week and feel this has helped alot, not an instant cure but has definitely had an effect on the affected area immediately which is more than Lyrica has. I am having horrible side effects with Lyrica including swelling like a balloon & massive dizziness - so if its not working then I really don't want to be on it, I personally feel that to see if its doing any good the easiest way to test this - is to stop taking it and see if my pain worsens.

I am in the UK and non urgent appointments through the NHS are hard to get - I can't get an appt to see my Doctor until June so was wondering whether to just stop the meds tonight and see what happens - has anyone else just stopped this med and if so how long until the side effects stopped and is it advisable to just 'stop' or better to 'reduce' over a few days and then 'stop'. Any advice appreciated, don't really want to wait until June to ask the Dr :(

Re: Coming off Lyrica/Pregabalin Question for anyone who has

Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 12:01 pm
by Positivepoppy
Hi I'm also taking 600 mgs pre and post surgery. I forgot to take it one day and I suffered a huge flare up lasting 4 days. I have also known of people on this forum that have stopped and suffered.could you ring your GP for a chat to save waiting? Good luck with your decision

Re: Coming off Lyrica/Pregabalin Question for anyone who has

Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 8:36 pm
by janetm2
Reducing is said to be better than stopping. They say withdrawal can be bad and probably going down at the pace you went up might be a thing to try. Definitely asking a doctor or maybe a pharmacy?

Re: Coming off Lyrica/Pregabalin Question for anyone who has

Posted: Sun May 25, 2014 2:48 am
by Violet M
Lyrica is an anti-seizure medication so you should not stop it immediately. Definitely check with your doctor.
