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Why do I call myself blight?

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2014 9:53 pm
by blightcp
A couple of people have asked, why I called myself "blight"?

Well it's a two part story:

Way Way Way back in the 80s of computers there was a game called Wing Commander, I was in 5-6 grade at the time I had worked all summer painting for my grandmother and she bought me my first "real" computer not a hand me down but a brand new 286 with a color SVGA monitor and 4 megabytes of memory and a 40 megabyte hard, about 30 3.5" inch disks worth of space, or 10 of today's digital pictures. :ugeek:

My friends and i would compete for who got the best score and print out our scores for bragging rights we all had to have fighter pilots call-signs, and mine stuck even in school. 8-)

After high school I joined the Air Force, and once again I was playing flight simulators for bragging rights it stuck, and from there I have been using the same call-sign online ever since. It's been my online alter ego ever since. :mrgreen:

Re: Why do I call myself blight?

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 3:10 am
by Violet M
Thanks for your service in the air force, Blight. ;)


Re: Why do I call myself blight?

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 11:14 am
by Rosemary
As you cannot see people on here i find that i have the same made up 'picture' of someone pop into my head each time i read a post from them.

I wonder if anyone is how i envisage them ? Anyone else do the same ?

I wondered why 'Blight' too - it is a local surname around where i live - country area where a lot of potatoes used to be grown so that may be a name after the disease - i haven't dare ask as we are incomers ? Origins of names are interesting.

My name on here is my first large walking doll i had in the late 1950s - you moved her arms to make her legs walk along. I've still got her.
Rosemary x

Re: Why do I call myself blight?

Posted: Mon May 05, 2014 1:12 am
by Violet M
That's cute, Rosemary. I don't think I still have any of my childhood dolls but I used to love them. My forum name is chosen for my favorite wildflower. ;)


Re: Why do I call myself blight?

Posted: Mon May 05, 2014 11:28 am
by Stephanie P
So interesting, Rosemary, about your doll of the same name. I had a large walking doll in the mid 1950s and I called her Rosemary, too. Like you, I still have her! She has long blonde hair and blue eyes and is a nice sight in the grandchildren's playroom!

Re: Why do I call myself blight?

Posted: Mon May 26, 2014 9:06 am
by Rosemary
Violet M wrote: My forum name is chosen for my favorite wildflower. ;)

Then you would love where i live in the UK Violet - it is a county called Devon which is known for it's wild violets.
Also a tourist part of the UK where the violet has been used to promote that industry for years with perfume and pottery etc.
I am lucky enough to live where you can walk out and see violets in the hedgerows early in the spring followed on by bluebells, campions, buttercups etc.

Just want Thank you for this forum Violet - it has helped me so much.
Rosemary X

Re: Why do I call myself blight?

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 10:31 pm
by Violet M're sweet, Rosemary. Would love to visit you in the spring someday.


Re: Why do I call myself blight?

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 6:00 am
by kathyd
HI Rosemary
Thats a great and creative choice for your screen name, your dolls name! Great idea.

It just occurred me to mw. if I chose my fav doll's name from childhood, it would be "Chatty Cathy", a doll from the 1960s.. When you pulled a little ring behind her neck she would speak! Very popular doll in the US, back in the day i
l loved her.
What a coincidence... same name as mine and I'm also chatty, as I've noted when re-reading some of my overly long post lately!
Will shorten my future posts, I promise!

Re: Why do I call myself blight?

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2016 7:43 am
by alangcreech
It is really interesting to read.

Re: Why do I call myself blight?

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2017 12:18 pm
by Simon94
Interesting and informative to read.