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Hard to tell when I have to urinate

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 1:19 pm
by Datboy333
22 year old
I have had this pelvic pain condition since 2010. I have noticed since then I am unable to feel the sensation that makes you realize you have to urinate. The only sign I have that I need to urinate is the pain in the perinieum which arises when I need to urinate. I no longer feel the sensation that my bladder is full. I just immediateley get into pain. I cannot hold the urge to urinate for more than 1 minute, if I do I will get an flare-up. It also takes a while for me to start a stream. There are times when I am standing at the toilet for 2 full minutes before I even begin to urinate.

Has anyone dealt with this ?

Does this symptom narrow down possibilities for my pain ?

Feel free to comment

Re: Hard to tell when I have to urinate

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 2:03 pm
by Karyn
Hi Dat,
Datboy333 wrote: I no longer feel the sensation that my bladder is full. I just immediateley get into pain. I cannot hold the urge to urinate for more than 1 minute
I experienced something similar prior to my TG surgery. I also couldn't feel my bladder filling up. With me, I couldn't tell I had to void until my bladder started spasming. Also had urgency. Initial voiding was slow, down to a trickle; with the sensation of voiding broken shards of glass. During the void, the sensation of passing broken glass would subside.

Since surgery, I no longer get the bladder spasms, or the feeling of passing broken glass. Still have issues with urgency and voiding, though.

Kind regards,

Re: Hard to tell when I have to urinate

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 2:46 pm
by Datboy333
Thats interesting.... see I have never had any surgery and Ive had this symptoms for a long time. :|

Re: Hard to tell when I have to urinate

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 3:38 pm
by Karyn
Datboy333 wrote:Thats interesting.... see I have never had any surgery and Ive had this symptoms for a long time.
Well, yes. I had those symptoms for a long time, too, before my surgery. They didn't improve until after the surgery.

Re: Hard to tell when I have to urinate

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2014 4:57 pm
by dale
I have a simular issue, I cannot sense when to pee or when I need to use my bowels. apparently I have pudendal issues which are causing this. I feel for you as I regularly run in to issues where I have to change clothes due to the no notice that it is going to happen. has anyone investigate the pudendal side of things. hope fully you can get on top of it as it is a nuisance that you do not need. For me the pain is helped with lyrica, I also take temgesic tablets along with endone and Panadol forte. not ideal but I helps.
