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Personal experience with trigger point injections/Botox
Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:28 am
by pomegranate
Hi all,
I'm considering trying trigger point injections and then Botox within the next couple of months. I have just a few stubborn areas that we're not having much luck relaxing with PT. Overall, I'm doing well, but I want to be even better.
Most likely, we'll be targeting my left obturator internus and my levator ani muscles.
Thanks for any personal stories you can share!
Re: Personal experience with trigger point injections/Botox
Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 7:43 am
by Cora
what i have learned about TPI ( trigger point injections) is that the benefit is best when followed immediately with PT. I had then done in Chicago when I saw Rhonda. I would have the urogyn do the injection and then immediately get worked on my Rhonda. IT did help because it allowed her to really work on some deep and very painful triggerpoints. One has never been a problem since that time, and that was one that finally allowed me to improve my sitting tolerance
Re: Personal experience with trigger point injections/Botox
Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2011 1:30 pm
by Torbjorn
I wondered if anyone could help me out here. I a 48 and have had intersistial cystitis for twelve years. IM wondering when reading this sight where I have been for those years. I really know nothing about PN. My symptoms are chronic pelvic pain, vulverpain.back pain. This pain moves all the time from hour to hour. I also feel as if my legs are aching to the point where my toes often feel so weird, i wish someone would just stretch them out. This all sounds really strange I know. I lose also vision when im really sick. When I get realy sick, The pain is unbearable, my bladder aches.
I always know when I am about to get sick as I feel overwhelmed with tiredness and usually fall asleep, waking up with some chronic pelvic,back and bladder pain. Lyrica does help my legs. I take Tramadol, and have had to have morphine at times when I have been to ER.
Would anyone please let me know in detail what their everyday pain is like, does it seem to move around like mine. I find after I have bent alot it worsens for me. I have been told my pelvic floor muscles are tight. But I could not bear to let anyone try to help me . It is so painful.
I also get chronic vulver pain. Certain foods make me worse, coffee, chocolate , tomatoes , yeast.
I get some relief when I am menstruating, I think I may be alergic to MY own progesterone. This is all very weird to me. I look around at all my friends and feel very abnormal. No one in my family has this.
MY email is If anyone could reply to me I would be very grateful.
I just want to know how you get started on the releasing of the pelvic floor muscles, as I seem to burn in that area too.
Re: Personal experience with trigger point injections/Botox
Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 5:24 am
by Violet M
It's common for PN patients for the pain to move around and to have good and bad days. In addition to PN pain, I had a lot of aching and some numbness in my leg and foot due to piriformis syndrome caused by the pelvic muscles being in spasm -- similar to what you are describing. Food didn't really affect my pain though.
You could try valium vaginal suppositories to help relax the pelvic floor muscles or you could try trigger point injections in conjunction with connective tissue mobilization and myofascial release. If the spasms and pain are due to a nerve entrapment though, surgery might be the only thing that would help.