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Gabapentin/Neurontin Success rate at only 30% at 1800mg

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2014 9:16 pm
by blightcp
First I'm a test engineer, my job was to test industrial equipment to verify how they work compared to the design, and to investigate any issues as completely as possible to help correct the issue. So part of my job was to ferret out anything helpful and present it to others to help fix the issue.

So, today I wondered why some people said Gabapentin worked great for some people, and little to nothing for others.

Personally, I am allergic to it and the entire family of these drugs. But I'm not for or against them.

So I went down the rabbit hole as we used to say... Now I'm not sure that half of the doctors I see know this. :o

I got all of this straight from Phizer:

I focused only on nuropathic pain, that is us with PN.

On 1800mg a day only 32% of patients reporting at least 50% improvement in endpoint pain score compared with baseline.

And 16% will discontinue use due to side effects.

For nuropathic pain, the most common side effects are confusion and depression.

Those numbers are not cumulative. The percent still stands at 32% success and 68% unsuccessful with 16% of them unable to tolerate the side effects.

This explains why it seems to be hit or miss for different people on the forum.

However, after reading this I would like for the pain clinic to bee more upfront about the drug's realistic chance of reducing pain significantly and how common side effects are.

If you happen to be one of the 32% I am sincerely happy it helps you. :D

This information may help the others that it does nothing for, esp. when working with the pain clinics.


Re: Gabapentin/Neurontin Success rate at only 30% at 1800mg

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2014 3:18 am
by deBBieW
Very interesting. I'm currently on 1800 mg of gabapentin, and have been for 2-3 years.... I think it helps, but maybe not. I don't have any side effects.... now recently I've added Lyrica.
I'm up to 200 mg, and I do think it's helping a bit with my central sensitization leg burning, and sitting pain. I'm scared to even say it. I sort of can't believe it.
I want to get on a little higher dose, and then eventually get off the gabapentin.

It's so true, everyone is different, it's trial and error. I do wish doctors were more forthcoming. Trying to read all the literature is way over my head.

Thanks Carl for sharing that.
