What to Do While on Ketamine?

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Emily B
Posts: 188
Joined: Sat Sep 18, 2010 1:21 am

What to Do While on Ketamine?

Post by Emily B »

For anyone who has done the 5-day hospital stay ketamine infusion...

What were you able to do while on the ketamine? Could you read? Watch TV? Did you just sleep? Wondering how loopy you were and if you remember anything from when you were on it.


Emily B.
Posts: 1058
Joined: Mon Sep 27, 2010 11:57 pm

Re: What to Do While on Ketamine?

Post by calluna »

I was only on ketamine for about half a day, post-op, and I spent my time sleeping and watching the pretty hallucinations. I could not have contemplated reading or watching tv, not by a million miles, I was far too 'out of it'. The ceiling tiles provided me with all the entertainment that I could possibly have wanted - colours, patterns, movement - they turned into beautiful fractals in all sorts of colours, and I found that I could make them do what I wanted them to - change colour, shift into different pattern sets - I was quite sorry when it all started to fade. Ahem.

Listening to music would have been good, though. I found that I was incredibly sensitive to sound - I would have welcomed some headphones with music of my choice to shut out all the noise of the ward, which was something of a distraction from my lovely patterns. Music would need to be chosen beforehand though. Planet ketamine is not a good place for making decisions.

By the way, I was absolutely painfree. First time I have ever awoken from surgery and been completely painfree.

I don't know if the dose is lower for the 5-day infusion though? - that's quite possible. (But having said that, I have no idea what dose I was given.) On a lower dose, you might be able to cope with a whole lot more. Maybe a good idea to ask your consultant what you can expect? But I'd vote for taking some music in with you, anyway.
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