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lyrica/pregabalin causing weight gain & bloating

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 3:41 pm
by chillijava
hi all
has anyone had the side effect of weight gain and bloating whilst taking lyrica/pregabalin, i have now been taking it for about 5 weeks and i am always bloated and i have put on about 7lbs. i know its not because of what i am eating as i have to have a very low fat diet due to another medical condition so i am not eating anything different at all. i dont mind the few extra pounds but i cant stand the bloating, does it go after being on the tablets for a while


Re: lyrica/pregabalin causing weight gain & bloating

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 2:26 pm
by Geraldine
Hi Andrea

I have been on Lyrica - 150 mg twice a day for about 18 months. This dose has made a slight difference to my pain levels but I haven't been able to increase the dose because of some of the side effects. I have got used to the problems with poor short term memory and difficulty recalling the words I want. However the biggest problem for me is fluid retention in my lower legs and feet plus my abdomen. This does go during the night - several trips to the toilet !! get rid of it. It could be that your weight and swollen abdomen could be caused by fluid retention. I have put on weight since taking it - some fluid related, but also because I think the Lyrica makes me feel constantly hungry - this is a new feeling for me. Don't know of this info helps but thought I would pass on my experience with Lyrica.
Hope today has been a better day for you.
