Hi...I'm new
Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 6:27 pm
I have very recently been diagnosed with PNE after hysterectomy and four months of pain and going to doctors who didn't know what to do with me. My question about physical therapy is how long will it be before I get any relief from it? I had my first treatment (ultrasound and myofascial release) and it only took the pain away partially and then only for a few hours. It has left me wondering if it is worth the time and adding another thing into my crazy schedule for just a few hours of relief. The pain has gotten better since November. Is it possible my body is just recovering on its own and I should just forget therapy, save some money and aggregation and let my body do this naturally? It only hurts when I sit or lie down to sleep at night and then it is only a 5-7 out of 10. I feel lucky and like I should just get over myself. This pain is not bad enough to go through all of this. Will I get worse without therapy? Can this do permanent damage if I opt out of treatment? very confused and wondering what to do. I have my family and employer to think of as well. when I weigh their needs against the pain I am experiencing, it seems like I am being selfish.