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Preventative Prayer

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 6:53 am
by kat
This came to me and I'm here to ask for us all to do this type of prayer as well as what we already do.
I know some are born with PN and others have traumas that cause it, but there are ways to prevent it from happening or to keep it from spinning out of control.

1 - check ESTROGEN and hormone levels. Low estrogen leads to burning vaginally, while urinating and pee accidents. I saw multiple OBs and urologists that told me 'accidents' were normal for a girl my age (32) and my PT was the one that recommended estrogen cream on the urethra. Tell all docs everything, because they all have different amounts of understanding and different opinions about you and your illness. Get the facts and do what is right for you.

2 - HPV SHOT - HPV can cause cancer and surgery to remove cancer can lead to PN so get vaccinated and vaccinate your children to protect them from cancer

3 - Be open and honest will all docs about all things. There is over lap with PN. Chiropractors, PTs, general practitioners, urologists and OBGYNs all hear different parts of the story. I ask that you tell your ENTIRE STORY to all docs to get a complete few of your health.

4 - D3 levels should be checked. Over 50% of women have a deficiency and this causes bone and JOINT issues along with depression and many other health problems. Joint issues can lead to neuralgia so have your doc run the blood test to be sure you have a healthy amount in your body.

We have a problem with waiting until things are completely out of control before we try to fix them. God sent me this message and asked me to share it with
everyone. Preventative prayer and preventative actions may save the next generation from the extreme pain we are in for not knowing any better.

Loves and these are ways I'm looking out for you so you don't get as bad as I did and I'm also asking you to pass this information on to friends, family, medical professionals and your children.


Re: Preventative Prayer

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 5:02 pm
by A's Mommy

May God bless you for all your concerns and insight into this. He will supply our needs and He alone will have the final say in healing us.

Please pm me info you are preparing for the doctors. I want to send them to all Drs at major hospitals like the Cleveland Clinic, etc.


A's Mommy

Re: Preventative Prayer

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 5:52 pm
by MsRivers

You are indeed a blessing. I read this message (again) today. When I first read it, I was hell bent on the thought that I have nerve entrapment. I have a doctor's appt. today, and for some reason (God only knows,) he put this in my path again.

I'm going to ask to see a hormone specialist. God willing, this will be the answer for me. I know God doesn't want us to suffer, and his timing is always perfect. We just have to trust him, and stand on our faith.

Faith is the substance of things hoped for and that arent' seen. Faith without action is useless. I will take action today and make arrangements to see a hormone specialist.

Be blessed,
Ms. Rivers

Re: Preventative Prayer

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 10:46 pm
by mom
praying for wisdom and drection for you. Trust God's leading as it seems you are, he WILL direct the path of those who trust in him and lean NOT on THEIR own seems that we research so much and we become more eduated than the Dr.'s, then we become self reliant....GOD is the only one who can deliver us from this affliction and lead us into the knowledge of who to see for treatment.

Re: Preventative Prayer

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 4:16 am
by pianogal
Kat, you rock.

mom, yes God has the answers.

I am saying a prayer for us all right now. That we have wisdom to know how to get out of this, how to prevent this, and His divine intervention when there are no known ways out.

Re: Preventative Prayer

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 8:21 pm
by MsRivers
How unselfish of you PianoGal. Thank you for your prayers.

Ms. Rivers