Thank you again for all you dedication and efforts to spread the word and offer support for folks with this dreadful condition.
I have been reading the boards now for weeks and have some questions. I live in Portland Oregon, and there is no one save some PTs aware of this condition or treating it as far as I can see.
1. I believe that I have PN "entrapment" not just neuralgia. I am currently unable to sit and bending my trunk in the slightest seems to traction the nerve where it connects or refers in my urethra/vaginal wall. It is excruciating....and once stirred up for the day, I am in trouble. "Stirring" it up means doing "anything" that requires any time of bending or sitting. My entrapped area is on the left the butt..I can feel it.
2. I have read that people have had little success or worse with surgery...except maybe Violet (who by the way thank you for your leadership and help to newcomers) Is there any one here who has regained the ability to sit or *bend* after surgery?
3. I've also read that blocks not only don't work, but that the steriods can make it worse. I would like to avoid all that if possible..but the as a patient you are led to the that trough and forced to drink.. What advice can you give on that.
4. Finally, ..I am not on pain meds as I have led a drug free life for decades. Yet, if I am to travel to an expert, I will need something as I can not sit or bend w/o making the pain go to a 10 quickly.
5. Do narcotics dull the agony enough to allow doing the prohibited activities so one can travel to PNE experts or bend for daily duties....??????? Would slathering that tractioned area in my urethra wall with lodocaine enable me to function better or would it just irritate it further.
6. And finally.....can PT alone get the pain out of my urethra?????
Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Any help with answering these questions most appreciated.
