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Anyone have improvement with Baclofen?

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2013 12:39 am
by mjdoh
Hi All,
I am a 7 year PN veteran and have recently managed to persuade my GP to prescribe Baclofen (after reading here of how some people have found it helpful). I am on the oral med - suppositories are not available here in Ireland. I have had reasonable relief on Cymbalta (allowed me to function with less pain but not sit) but every now and then I get fired up on my quest to get RID of this misery!!!!!!!!! Over the years at times when I have been ground down by the desperation of the relentless and exhausting coping with this affliction, I have 'checked in' to various pn sites to see if there is anything new on the medical front to try. In the last month - thanks to this site I have seen a osteopath who manipulated and aligned my SI joints/pelvis, and have acquired and SI belt and got busy doing the Peter Dornan SI stabilizing exercises. I had never made the connection with my long standing musculoskeletal decrepitude and the onset on PN before! I am almost scared to say it but I think this and the Baclofen seem to be putting out the fire somewhat.........time will tell.
I want to thank the moderators here who do such a fantastic job of battling this condition on so many fronts. I would have gone nuts long ago without this site!! Plus the knowledge you have is much more comprehensive than ANY of the health professionals I have sought help from. Thankyou sincerely for all you do to help all of us poor unfortunates! There WILL be a cure for this wretched condition SOON!!!
= Is anyone taking, or tried oral Baclofen in the past and at what dosage? I started slow at 5mg building up to 20mg per day now in divided doses. I would like some advice on optimum dosage if anyone has found this drug helpful.
many thanks and continued courage to us all,

Re: Anyone have improvement with Baclofen?

Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2013 10:19 pm
by Violet M
Hi Jos,

Glad you are seeing some improvement. I tried baclofen for a few months after surgery but it wasn't the right drug for me -- mostly just made me feel very weak. Sorry, I can't remember the dosage. It's amazing though how different drugs work well for different people so hopefully it will be a good drug for you.

Keep your courage up. ;)


Re: Anyone have improvement with Baclofen?

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2013 1:37 am
by mjdoh
Thank you Violet. And again my heartfelt gratitude to you for all you do to give help and hope to everyone here.