Why does the surgery need to be performed this way

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Why does the surgery need to be performed this way

Post by Grammy »

I really do not understand all the medical terms for all the body parts that the pudendal nerve passes along or through. However I have had in my five surgeries two that were made with incisions from the belly button to the pelvic bone--two that used the bikini cut and finally one that went in via the vagina. What I do not understand if you are cut from your belly button all the way to the pubic bone with retractors stretching this opening as far as it can be stretched what is preventing the doctors from seeing this nerve? There is probably some simple answer to this but honestly I do not know what it is. Thanks for helping me to understand.
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Re: Why does the surgery need to be performed this way

Post by calluna »

The pudendal nerve is deep in the pelvis, running from the spine forwards down past either side of the bowel. This means that it is hard to get at. In order to reach it, coming from an abdominal incision, all the internal organs in the lower part of the abdomen would need to be moved out of the way, pretty much. That is a lot of disturbance - basically the surgeons can get at the nerve more easily coming from another direction.
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