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Vulvodynia/Bartholin gland/ PNE/ Vestibulitis

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 5:05 pm
by mary jane
Hi everyone,

I think I might have PNE, but not sure. I had small surgeries for a few bartholin cysts in the past, nothing big, just cutting & draining. However, this might have caused a lot of internal adhesions.
2 months ago I had a new bartholin cyst on my upper vulva which ruptured and since it was infected, it irritated the gland.
SOMEHOW, because of previous scar tissue (?), I started having pain in my entire vulva.
Since then, I have gotten progressively worse, the pain has spread towards my clitoris and other labia, plus a lot of buttock sensitivity, loads of pelvic floor spasms, and no longer sure if my original diagnosis of vulvodynia still applies.
My coccyx hurts a lot, as well as my left thigh :(

Does anyone have any idea whether nerves damaged from infection can heal ?
My symptoms are: aching, stabbing pain, hypersensitivity to touch, vulva swells if pressed (maybe a case of vulvar vestibulitis), vibrating bum, however I have none of the burning and no problems with my bladder or BM.

I was in A&E at UCL hospital london for these symptoms plus pain, they found I had increased white cells in my blood & urine plus some blood traces in it.

Sigh. anyone else with similar problems ? I am seeing DR Adam Rosenthal at BMI privately in a week, but I wonder if this is still a vulva problem :(

Re: Vulvodynia/Bartholin gland/ PNE/ Vestibulitis

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 11:26 pm
by Violet M
Mary Jane,

Healing may depend on the extent of the damage but it sounds like you have caught this early on so hopefully you will improve. Are you taking any meds to keep your pain levels low so this won't develop into a cycle of pain? I wonder if some warm sitz baths with epsom salts would be helpful. Epsom salts are great for drawing out infection and are soothing too. Alternating hot/cold brings fresh blood to the area and takes away toxins if you end with cold.


Re: Vulvodynia/Bartholin gland/ PNE/ Vestibulitis

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 4:03 pm
by mary jane
hi violet,

thanks for replying. I've just finished a course of antibiotics (really heavy stuff, 625 mg Augmentin) and still waiting to hear from the hospital and finding out which type of infection I might have had???
I am doing epsom salts baths, however I'm currently very paranoid about not being to understand what has happened inside to cause such horrible symptoms.
I'm stuck to my bed right now.

Does anyone else have a lot of vibrating feelings in the groin area?? I can't tell if they are horrible muscle spasms (I have severe vaginismus) or nerves acting up :(

right now I'm taking: 20 mg Amytriptilne
250 mg Naproxen
1x turmeric, 1x B complex vitamins, 1x Vit C, potassium, less carbs, no coffee, no alchohol.
I also have some EMLA cream amd llidocaine, but I can barely just wash the area, let alone apply gel on it !
I also have some swelling of the bartholin gland, but no cysts ....

I'm seeing Dr rosenthal privately in london soon, maybe he knows something. Because my first guess would be to excise the source of the pain, which is the original infected gland, but in this loop of pain, it might cause the nerves to be angry ??????????