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Do we produce more scar tissue?

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2013 3:00 am
by JackieOUCH
Another question I've been thinking about, and curious what the rest of you may think:

Do you think people with actual pudendal nerve entrapment form more scar tissue than "normal" people.

I'm beginning to think this may be one of the major issues.

Some people are very prone to adhesion formation, so why couldn't forming too much scar tissue be one of our more contributing factors?

I was watching a pro football game last weekend and these guys are repeatedly falling and getting thrown violently all over the field, and yet other than the more common injuries, they don't seem to develop pudendal problems. Where as some of us have had one bad fall, and it seems to cause a lifetime of misery. Is it because we form scar tissue too easily? Too much? An over reaction to an injury?

Curious to hear your thoughts.


Jackie OUCH

Re: Do we produce more scar tissue?

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2013 4:39 pm
by bikelover
That or that we are anatomically prone to compression or entrapment.

Re: Do we produce more scar tissue?

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 4:15 pm
by JackieOUCH
In cases of "unknown" reasons for the cause, probably both.

I'm thinking it's kind of a "perfect storm" situation. We just happen to be anatomically prone, have some aggravating factors and form too much scar tissue.

Please keep this thread going. I'm curious to hear what others have to say, even if it's only speculation.

Thank you,

Jackie OUCH

Re: Do we produce more scar tissue?

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2013 2:52 pm
by srinmav
How many of you have nerve problems other than PN - like carpel tunnel, cubital tunnel, tarsal tunnel syndrome etc? That may explain the systemic nature of PN/PNE.