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Question for women after surgery

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 6:34 pm
by JackieOUCH
I'm wondering if any of you ladies have been able to have a normal sex life after surgery?

Thanks girls,

Jackie Ouch

Re: Question for women after surgery

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 4:25 am
by Violet M
Yes -- pretty much. Not quite as good as before but after going through PNE I'd say it's pretty decent for what I've been through.


Re: Question for women after surgery

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2013 1:30 am
by quilter
Yes, for the first 2 years after left TIG. Dr. Hibner had me resume pelvic PT at 6 weeks postop. My therapist was amazed at the immediate significant improvement in pain, muscle & ligament issues from the surgery - said my pelvic floor belonged to a completely different person. She'd done a detailed pain mapping 5 days before surgery. Based on Dr. H's guidelines, she cleared me to try intercourse at 8 weeks postop, and for the first time in years there was NO pain. That knife in the left vaginal wall with penetration was completely gone, and stayed gone for 2 years. The pain I often got with arousal preop was also gone, and I didn't have severe bilateral pelvic floor pain for days after sex. Unfortunately, I've been having increasing pain since 2 years postop and painful sex is back, but it was great while it lasted.