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Ganglion Impar Injections
Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 6:52 pm
by shana
I know people have posted about Ganglion Impar Injections in the past, I was wondering if I can get more info. I saw Dr. Diwan today, very nice person, he wants to do a ganglion impar injection and take it from there. I'm scheduled to have it done this Thu, Aug 22. He said I'll be under anesthesia during the entire procedure, which is a good thing I guess as the nerve blocks are so awfully painful!!
I'm wondering what people's experience were in regard to pain relief? Did it help? How long? Did it get worse?
Re: Ganglion Impar Injections
Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 12:40 am
by Violet M
Shana, I haven't had one myself but from reports on the forum it's hard to predict whether it will help you. I know one gal who had such good results (for coccyx pain) that she went on to have the procedure done with phenol and last we heard from her husband she was doing great. That was a few years back on the old forum but they've disappeared into PNE forum history.
Good luck with the procedure.
Re: Ganglion Impar Injections
Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 10:50 pm
by shana
I had the injection almost a week ago now. I'm happy to report my coccyx and buttock pain has gone down from a 10 to a 4. Sitting the past few days has been much more tolerated. It didn't help with the other areas that's been giving me problems, anus, vulva, vagina, pelvic floor, etc. but to have some relief in any area is wonderful!
Re: Ganglion Impar Injections
Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 4:18 am
by HerMajesty
I had some relief which lasted only about 1 week, which is what my doctor had predicted. I hope yours continues to help beyond that.
Re: Ganglion Impar Injections
Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 6:39 pm
by Grace
I just had one done today. I feel better, but not perfect. I AM SO THANKFUL for a little relief. Even if it only lasts the afternoon, I'm going to enjoy it to the MAX.
Shana, did you try it? How did it work for you.
Re: Ganglion Impar Injections
Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 8:25 pm
by shana
Grace, yes, it did give me relief, not 100% relief but I would venture to say 50% relief, I was able to sit for longer periods of time without being in excrutiating pain, so to me, and Dr. Diwan, it's a success. I'm scheduled to have another one the first week in October, depending how that goes I may then have pulsed radiofreequency nerve ablation into the coccyx where the impar injection was to stop the nerve pain for longer than a few weeks, usually it lasts over a year if it's a success.
Wishing you luck,
Re: Ganglion Impar Injections
Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 9:11 pm
by Grace
For the sake of follow up:
Happy pelvis didn't last the night. Ah, well. A tiny bit of pain relief was glorious while it lasted. It was centrally in the perineum that I got the brief relief.
When I returned for a second injection, the doctor said it was pointless given the brevity and limited scope of relief.