Potter MRI Results
Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2013 12:56 am
Here are the abbreviated results from my MRI done in New York and read by Dr. Potter:
There is a paucity of presacral fat but no presacral or precoccygeal soft tissue mass.
There is symmetric thickening of the sacrotuberous ligaments, but without defined scar entrapment of the pudendal nerves. The fat planes around the pudendal nerves in the posterior margin of the Alcock's canal are constrained by the thickened sacrotuberous ligaments. There is mild scarring of the ischial rectal fat at the inferomedial branches of the pudendal nerves in Alcock's canal. There is a moderately large varix in the right anterior aspect of the pelvis, posterior to the pubic symphysis, but no features to suggest pelvic venous congestion syndrome.
MRI of the pelvis demonstrates symmetrically thickened sacrotuberous ligaments, effacing the fat planes around the pudendal nerves at the posterior margin of the Alcock's canal, with scarring inferior to the attachment of the ligaments, in the inferior margin of the "Alcock's canal affecting inferior branches of the pudendal nerve branches bilaterally.
Having had this issue for so long -like most of you-I've become quite familiar with anatomy.....However, if anyone would care to put this in simpler terms, I would be very grateful. I have read quite a few Potter MRI reports, but I don't remember coming across anything mentioning "fat planes".....what is the significance of this? Also the mention of "inferior"....."Inferior margin....inferior branches".....
Also.....what areas of the body do the inferior branches of the pudendal nerve innervate specifically?
I'm trying to look on the bright side....hanging my hope on the phrase "but without defined scar entrapment"...am I being silly?
Thanks so much,
Jackie Ouch
There is a paucity of presacral fat but no presacral or precoccygeal soft tissue mass.
There is symmetric thickening of the sacrotuberous ligaments, but without defined scar entrapment of the pudendal nerves. The fat planes around the pudendal nerves in the posterior margin of the Alcock's canal are constrained by the thickened sacrotuberous ligaments. There is mild scarring of the ischial rectal fat at the inferomedial branches of the pudendal nerves in Alcock's canal. There is a moderately large varix in the right anterior aspect of the pelvis, posterior to the pubic symphysis, but no features to suggest pelvic venous congestion syndrome.
MRI of the pelvis demonstrates symmetrically thickened sacrotuberous ligaments, effacing the fat planes around the pudendal nerves at the posterior margin of the Alcock's canal, with scarring inferior to the attachment of the ligaments, in the inferior margin of the "Alcock's canal affecting inferior branches of the pudendal nerve branches bilaterally.
Having had this issue for so long -like most of you-I've become quite familiar with anatomy.....However, if anyone would care to put this in simpler terms, I would be very grateful. I have read quite a few Potter MRI reports, but I don't remember coming across anything mentioning "fat planes".....what is the significance of this? Also the mention of "inferior"....."Inferior margin....inferior branches".....
Also.....what areas of the body do the inferior branches of the pudendal nerve innervate specifically?
I'm trying to look on the bright side....hanging my hope on the phrase "but without defined scar entrapment"...am I being silly?
Thanks so much,
Jackie Ouch