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List of activities that you cannot do
Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 5:44 pm
by merrie
I working on my list of activities (both work and home) that I cannot perform due to this dreaded monster in preparation for potentially filings for disability.
For those of you who have gotten disability, what types of things did you identify other than the obvious I cannot sit or stand without severe pain!
I have things like cannot do household chores, cannot go grocery shopping, cannot sleep, cannot bend, cannot lift of carry anything more than 5 lbs.
What other types of things should I put down to help my case?
Re: List of activities that you cannot do
Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 2:47 am
by helen1000
I would add cannot clothe decently. I can wear only baggy stuff. I cannot travel without extreme pain. Medications make me sleepy, tired, compromise my logic. I have problems with neck, shoulder, wrist, fibro besides PN. If you have anything like that add it.
Re: List of activities that you cannot do
Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 3:36 pm
Hi Merrie,
My advice to you would be to think of your life prior to your decrease in health. Think about what you did every day, all day long from the time you woke up until you went to bed. Then think about how your days are now and compare the two. Look at how this condition has affected your life. Write a list for your own use if it helps. Include in thinking or on your list everything from the minute you woke up in the morning until the minute you went to bed at night. Some examples (including both before and after)…. being able to dress yourself (from head to toe), shower independently, cleaning, prepare meals, work, your thought process and ability to remember things, your ability to stand, sit, walk, drive, medications, sleeping issues, walking aids, doctor limitations…Everything you were able to do until now with what you are unable to do. It’s very important for SSD to realize how seriously your condition has affected your everyday functionality to the point of now being physically disabled.
It can be frustrating process. My hope for you is to be approved on your first try. However, if you are denied the first time, please do not give up. Move forward and appeal their decision. You may want to consider hiring an attorney for an appeal if you are denied, however that is a personal decision. Regardless, stay strong and confident during this process. You’ll find on this site individual’s who were able to file and receive disability on their first attempt, to others being denied and having to appeal (some with an attorney and some without) for approval, to those still seeking approval. The most important thing for you to remember is you are not alone.
One of the members on this site, approved for disability, was my inspiration during my process. This is a wonderful site for support as well as hope, something we all need. I wish you the very best of luck and hope you will keep us updated on your progress.
Take Care,
Re: List of activities that you cannot do
Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 8:58 pm
by janetm2
Jen seems to have it covered but if you cannot remember all you could do maybe the attached will help. It is part of some forms I had to fill out to see an Arthritis Specialist and seemed to be geared towards disability. Good luck
Re: List of activities that you cannot do
Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 10:54 pm
by Karyn
Hi Merrie,
You've gotten excellent replies and I'd like to add my two cents:
Just a word of caution: Please be very careful about using the word "can't", lest it come back and be thrown in your face at a later date.
You (we) can do almost anything. You (we) can do almost NOTHING without increased pain and symptoms. Simple, daily activities that "normal" people are able to carry out without batting an eye are a disability to us. Some helpful phrases may be:
I am able to dress with assistance
Sitting causes immediate pain with long term consequences
Prolonged, static standing increases pain and symptoms
Lifting more than 5 pounds increases pain and symptoms
Bending causes immediate pain with long term consequences
Jen and the others pretty much covered the rest. I wish you the best with this stressful and upsetting process. Please let us know if we can help further - we're here for you!
Kind regards,