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Looking for Dr in Asia - Japan, China, Taiwan.. etc

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 3:04 am
by ncutsao
Hi there,

I am new to this site and desperate need help on searching for a Dr located in Asia.

Does anyone know qualified Drs located in Japan, China, Taiwan , Singapore.. etc?

I can't stand flying to Europe or US, the pain definitely will will me.

Thank you so much.

Re: Looking for Dr in Asia - Japan, China, Taiwan.. etc

Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 12:11 pm
by catherine a
Hi Tsao,

I don't of any doctors in Asia who treat this problem specifically. Sydney Australia is an option. I had to travel to Europe from Australia (24 hour journey) when at my most 10/10 pain. I had no choice back then in 2007.
However, Prof. Vancaille from Sydney has treated many people since then. He has an amazing team. Just thought it might be an option for you. If I hear of a doctor in Asia I'll be sure to let you know.

Perhaps someone else will know and be able to help you out.


Re: Looking for Dr in Asia - Japan, China, Taiwan.. etc

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 12:11 am
by Violet M
Tsao, if you google pubmed central and do a search in pubmed on peer-reviewed articles regarding pudendal neuralgia there may be some from Asian doctors. You could then try contacting them to see if they treat PNE.

Take care,


Re: Looking for Dr in Asia - Japan, China, Taiwan.. etc

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2013 6:37 am
by Mod15
I have had a PN sufferer contact me through my website and she lives in Hong Kong. She has her blocks done by Dr. Assad Hussain and has had Dr Hussain actually call Dr Peter Courtney (my pain specialist who administers my pelvic blocks) to ask how he goes about getting to my trigger point (which is the rectal branch of the Pudendal Nerve). I can ask for more details if you like but I have searched google quickly and Dr Hussain's name comes up a bit. You should be able to find the contact details that suit you best location wise.

Good Luck

Re: Looking for Dr in Asia - Japan, China, Taiwan.. etc

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2013 7:05 am
by ncutsao
Thank you Soula.

I have searched the website and found the related info.


Re: Looking for Dr in Asia - Japan, China, Taiwan.. etc

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2013 7:10 am
by Mod15
Let us know how you go so we can add Dr Hussain to our directories!

Re: Looking for Dr in Asia - Japan, China, Taiwan.. etc

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2014 3:45 pm
by bobbim
Dear Violet, I am sorry for my delayed response. Here are a list of my clinicians I see in Hong Kong for pain management for PN...(I feel very blessed as I have access to both Western Medicine, alternative therapies and Chinese Medicine)

All of these clinicians are very professional and are delightful to work with. They are empathetic, diligent and provide good followup.

1) Dr. Assad Hussain- pain specialist- (I received 3 blocks, 2 pulsed radiofrequency ablation techniques, trigger point injections and pain medication management. I was his first PN patient but he was willing to work with me and even contacted other pain specialist in Australia to learn how to get to the inferior rectal nerve)-

2) Emma Drake/Hazel Wadpole- pelvic floor specialists/physical therapists. (I see them both but Emma has experience treating PN patients in Australia but Hazel also does dry needling- both are fantastic)-

3) Dr. Damien Mouellic- Orthopathy physician.(I have only had 5 manipulations but I am starting to see a bit of improvement but still early days) -

4) Brendt Reynolds- acupuncturist and Chinese herbs-

Please let me know if you have any further questions? I do not go to the forum very often so you may need to contact me personally for follow up. Wishing you a super weekend! Take Care, Bobbi :D

Re: Looking for Dr in Asia - Japan, China, Taiwan.. etc

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2014 11:29 pm
by Violet M
Thanks for the names, Bobbi. Sounds like you are trying quite a few different treatments to get your pain under control.

I'm just curious why, when I do search on Lauren Bramley that website comes up as untrustworthy? ?
