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Buzzing Sensation

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 5:26 am
by JackieOUCH

For years, the worst sight of my pain has primarily been a straight 4" horizontal (to slightly downward) line from my right obturator area to the labial area, although I also have pain on the left side, in both buttocks (piriformis, sit bones), interior thighs, hamstrings, tailbone, entire pelvis....

I'm trying pelvic floor therapy (again, with a new PT) and acupuncture. Lately, I've noticed that my pain is changing.....I have a distinct "buzzing, electrocuted" feeling in the anus, perineum, and sometimes all the way up to my waist (front and back) and my tailbone is super sensitive (it is normally not this bad). The "buzzing" sensation is really uncomfortable, but I can't say painful....but it definitely gets your attention.....makes my entire body feel strange.....It feels like the sensation my cell phone has when set it on vibrate!! Long story "regular" right sided obturator area is better....but now I have this buzzy thing.

Any thoughts? Anybody else feel this?

By the way, my acupuncturist (who seems to be very knowledgeable) doesn't think it's the PN...he's thinking it's something from lumbar L2 -L5 (but I don't know what the issue discs slightly bulge, but nothing major).....several docs think there's more than one nerve involved (blood tests etc are all ok)....I've read about the cross talk and central nervous system involvement, but this feels more localized....

Less pain everybody,

Jackie OUCH

Re: Buzzing Sensation

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 1:24 am
by Violet M
Jackie does your PT agree with the acupuncturist that it's not PN? Haven't had the buzzing sensation but it sure sounds like a nerve misfiring. Is it something you have all the time?


Re: Buzzing Sensation

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 3:12 am
by JackieOUCH
Thanks for replying Violet.

My PT is puzzled, and doesn't think it is "primarily" pudendal pain either, although the buzzing symptom obviously has to be a nerve or nerves.

And no, it is not constant. I'll just wake up some days with the irritating buzz feeling. Usually starts in the anus though. Weird.

If anybody has a clue to this, feel free to reply.

Thank you,

Jackie OUCH

Re: Buzzing Sensation

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 3:48 am
by Violet M
I don't really have a clue Jackie and if I remember correctly from your posts in the past you are reticent to try nerve blocks to confirm a diagnosis, right?


Re: Buzzing Sensation

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 4:13 am
by JackieOUCH
I did have one pudendal nerve block with Antolak.

Yes, it did numb the area, but I was numb from the waist down, so I think it would have blocked ANY sensation from ANY nerve in the vacinity.

Ultimately, the block made all areas of pain worse for about a year.

Thanks again,


Re: Buzzing Sensation

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 10:46 am
by Rosemary
Hi Jackie

I have nerve pain in the vulva on one side - i have recently been back to acupuncture - western style done by a doctor.

It has made some difference as to where i feel muscle tightness and i also get more occasional buzzing sensations - i was hoping that this was nerves finding their way again rather than misfiring :?: .

Like you i have had one nerve block done - transvaginally - area went numb but no pain relief.

It may be misplaced judgement but i am keeping faith with the acupuncture at the moment and hoping that any changes felt are leading to overall longer term benefit - i sincerely wish the same for you :)

Rosemary x

Re: Buzzing Sensation

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 4:15 pm
by JackieOUCH
Thanks for replying Rosemary.

Interesting info. Like you, I'm hoping ANY change in pain is for the better.

Do you notice any "pattern" to the sensation? After any particular activity? How soon after acupuncture?

It's interesting that the acupuncture calms down the pain for about 2 hours, and then the pain spikes for about 24 hours and then calms down. What has been your experience?

Again, thank you for replying,

Jackie OUCH

Re: Buzzing Sensation

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 5:02 pm
by Rosemary
JackieOUCH wrote:Thanks for replying Rosemary.

Interesting info. Like you, I'm hoping ANY change in pain is for the better.

Do you notice any "pattern" to the sensation? After any particular activity? How soon after acupuncture?

It's interesting that the acupuncture calms down the pain for about 2 hours, and then the pain spikes for about 24 hours and then calms down. What has been your experience?

Again, thank you for replying,

Jackie OUCH
Sorry I can't answer your first three questions.

It can take my pain away for a while when the needles are in but it hasn't lasted that long afterwards so far.

Rosemary x

Re: Buzzing Sensation

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 10:19 pm
by Violet M
Jackie, so it sounds like you couldn't really conclude anything diagnostically from the nerve block. I don't blame you for not wanting another one if it made you worse.

I used to get temporary relief with acupuncture but it never lasted so I concluded it helped temporarily because I was lying down in a very relaxing room with music.


Re: Buzzing Sensation

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 7:53 pm
by Gusselsprouts
Hi Jackie,

If you have not already done so, you should see a neurologist and make sure that you do not have MS. MS can cause the buzzing sensations that you describe, as well as pelvice pain. Just a thought...

Wishing you less pain hour by hour.
