1st World Congress on Abdominal and Pelvic Pain
Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 6:00 am
The 1 st World Congress for abdominal and pelvic pain has just taken place in Amsterdam. Here is a link to the web page http://www.pelvicpain-meeting.com/
I'm not sure if there will be any more details from the Congress, there's not a great deal to see at the moment, although what is there is very encouraging.
Take a look at the interviews with Dr Baranowski and Bert Messelink (Congress organiser) and also an interview with Sally Crowe a http://my.incrowdapp.net/e/1st-World-Co ... elvic-Pain which is interesting. Hopefully we will have some access to her forthcoming report re the Congress.
Here is the itinery or scientific programme showing a few names known to us and probably a few more.
http://www.pelvicpain-meeting.com/scien ... no_cache=1
You can see that Dr Greenslade (Bristol) made a presentation, as Did Dr Baranowski, and Dr Natasha Curren. Dr John Hughes from Middlesbrough (UK) co author of The Guide to Chronic Pelvic Pain 2012 (linked on our home page) was also very involved.
Mr/Dr? Khalid Khan has also been very involved with the outlay of pelvic pain pathway for the NHS in the UK
Stephanie Prendergast (US) presented The external expression of abdomino-pelvic pain - referred soft tissue phenomena. I'm sure she will blog about it soon.
And Dr Fred Howard (US) presented What should a qualification in abdomino-pelvic pain management be based on?
Judy Birch from the pelvic pain organisation UK was there and did a presentation with Francoise Watel a French patient ( I think ) about The role of the patient organisations, from local to worldwide Hopefully I will be able to get feed back from Judy about the whole Congress in general.
The main focus does seem to be about US! The patient
This is one of my favourite bits, a Tweet from Erich Taubert
erich taubert @thetaub
#wcapp2013 Try really listening to your patient may give clues to what the patient really want. Try to shut up for 60 seconds! Try it.......
I'm not sure if there will be any more details from the Congress, there's not a great deal to see at the moment, although what is there is very encouraging.
Take a look at the interviews with Dr Baranowski and Bert Messelink (Congress organiser) and also an interview with Sally Crowe a http://my.incrowdapp.net/e/1st-World-Co ... elvic-Pain which is interesting. Hopefully we will have some access to her forthcoming report re the Congress.
Here is the itinery or scientific programme showing a few names known to us and probably a few more.
http://www.pelvicpain-meeting.com/scien ... no_cache=1
You can see that Dr Greenslade (Bristol) made a presentation, as Did Dr Baranowski, and Dr Natasha Curren. Dr John Hughes from Middlesbrough (UK) co author of The Guide to Chronic Pelvic Pain 2012 (linked on our home page) was also very involved.
Mr/Dr? Khalid Khan has also been very involved with the outlay of pelvic pain pathway for the NHS in the UK
Stephanie Prendergast (US) presented The external expression of abdomino-pelvic pain - referred soft tissue phenomena. I'm sure she will blog about it soon.
And Dr Fred Howard (US) presented What should a qualification in abdomino-pelvic pain management be based on?
Judy Birch from the pelvic pain organisation UK was there and did a presentation with Francoise Watel a French patient ( I think ) about The role of the patient organisations, from local to worldwide Hopefully I will be able to get feed back from Judy about the whole Congress in general.
The main focus does seem to be about US! The patient
This is one of my favourite bits, a Tweet from Erich Taubert
erich taubert @thetaub
#wcapp2013 Try really listening to your patient may give clues to what the patient really want. Try to shut up for 60 seconds! Try it.......