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Roho LTV?

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 7:18 pm
by Jax87
Does anyone have any experience with the Roho LTV? It is not as heavy-duty as the Roho wheelchair versions, but I thought I might try it for sitting at the office. Here is a link: ... at+cushion

I am 2 months post hip-scope, and that part of my recovery is going well. My pelvic floor overall has been doing much better and I hardly ever have pain on a day to day basis, thank God. It had even gotten to the point that I wasn't using a cushion when sitting. However, I started a new office job this week, and the 9-5pm sitting with no cushion was too much for my poor butt. I know I was foolhardy not to sit on a cushion, but I had actually improved s much, that bringing a cushion was not really a thought!

Anyway, I will sit less this week and sit on the cushion that I do own. I cannot afford the fancier Roho and I don't think my insurance company would cover it since I'm not in a wheelchair and have been off of crutches for a month. I just need something that is more comfortable to sit on at work. My employer is a non-profit and I am currently temporary so they will not purchase any chairs, etc. for me. I have a doughnut-type cushion, but I don't like the pressure on my sitbones especially. It doesn't help either that I am dealing with a small anal fissure from hemorrhoids. (eww) I think that particular ailment is probably related to the use of meds this year with my hip and appendix surgery....

All in all I am still on the upswing and hoping this is just a minor flare-up . Any cushion advice would be much appreciated.

With hope and hugs,

Re: Roho LTV?

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 11:15 am
by donstore
I would highly recommend the wonder gel cushion. It is a little heavy to haul around but if you leave it in one place such at work it will be something you will really enjoy . It would also adapt quite well to being cut out in the middle if this would help in ones particular situation. It's durable well-designed. They can be purchased online at


Re: Roho LTV?

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 7:40 am
by Faith

Which wondergel model do you think would best hold up to cutting out a hole in the middle to relieve pressure? I need something that is soft on top but has a firm base. Is the wondergel very firm?

Re: Roho LTV?

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 8:08 am
by donstore
Hi Faith, I would definitely recommend the most expensive one at $99.95, the one with the firm side and the soft side. I think this model would adapt better to being trimmed in the middle. It is the model with the most structural integrity. I would describe the wonder gel as moderately firm but the way it is designed with the individual cells seems to spread out the pressure fairly well. It has a money back guarantee but you would have to pay for shipping and it is not very light I would guesstimate around 10 pounds.