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Does PN have triggers that make it worse?

Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 1:21 pm
by momof3bigguys
i have been scowering the internet for information as to what i might have and i am very sure that i have some type of pudendal nerve issue..
i have an appt with a PT next month and 'putting all my eggs in that basket' as far as dianoises..
this has been going on for 8 months .TONS of tests and one explortory surgery..
it started off with burning/itching and PAIN ! unbeleiveable pain..
ive kept a journal from the start of all this and i have noticed that some days and WEEKS are worse than others?
it seems like it flares up?? it's always BURNING ,but sometimes its almost UNBEARABLE!! :cry: yesterday i was in tears it burned so bad..
(my hubby and i fulled around yesterday morning)
i clean houses for a living and somedays after work im miserable..
it seems like there are 'triggers' that make this is sitting..
i took my boys to the movies last night and sitting was very hard!!!..i had to get up and walk around during the movie.. :(

my dr put me on nurtonin and i took it for about a week..the side affects were awful..i had to discontinue it due to the fact that i started having tremors on it..;(
so they have since given me tramodol so far its just like taking tylnol or advil ..barley touches this!!
what other meds are good for this?

Re: Does PN have triggers that make it worse?

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 3:15 pm
by Violet M
Mom, sometimes a combo of drugs is more effective than just one -- like lyrica and cymbalta together. Some people get less side effects with lyrica than with neurontin. Tegretol is another one that works for some people. It's really a matter of trial and error but it can be difficult to get through that trial and error period where you are trying to figure out what meds work for you. You can check out the medications page on the HOPE website:
