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piriformis pain

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 2:26 am
by rea
Went to osteopath for treatment and prolotherapy. First thing he did was work on pubic symphsis. I could tell a difference or the better. Then saw nuerologist at pain management. He had looked at mri done before si joint pain started. Had me do the ankle over knee and he applied pressure causing pain in hip but not si joint. He didn't think I had si. He mentioned piriformis syndrome. Anyways I am in excruciating pain. Nothing is helping. My left buttock is sooo swollen and my outer upper thigh is also. My entrapment is on right more but the si and pirivormis problem is on left. I can't handle this...I can't stand to walk at all now. Im sure my neighbors heard my screams today. Anyone have pn on one side with hip issues on opposite side? If this is nerve driven will hands on therapy even help? 4 months at chiro and si is no better.

Re: piriformis pain

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 12:39 pm
by nyt
If the neurologist thinks you have piriformis syndrome did he recommend trying trigger point injections? For me, I did find the piriformis improved some once my hips stayed in alignment, did not cure it, but did help. I use a TENS unit for my piriformis syndrome and it has been a live saver along with with trigger point injections. About 4.5 years ago the piriformis syndrome was so bad I could barely walk from the pain. I would have let strangers rub my butt with hopes it would make it feel better :lol: . My butt still aches but nothing like it did. Took a long time to get it under control.

Re: piriformis pain

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 3:07 pm
by helenlegs 11
I have PN on rh side only but both piriformis muscles are painful, although right more so. piriformis stretches on rh side are more painful too. However if I do too much, both muscles then increase in pain jointly and involve hips then groin in that order. Doubt that helps you much but one thing that may be relevant. . . .my r side sacroiliac joint has no 'spring'. . .have you had your SI joint assessed like this? it is an easy test although someone else needs to do it. Just lie on your back and have someone, physiotherapist or whomever put their hands on your hip bone and press down slightly a couple of times, no great pressure is required for this. . . . please be cautious if tried.
I have had someone press down on my SI joint from above, thru' a bent, raised leg. . . . nothing, no pain at all (although not the same as the method you describe, possibly similar 'mechanics'??) But this other 'spring' test showed that the right side was stuck while the left side is normal and springy. I can feel the difference when this is done too.
I have had about 6 different physios try and fix this imbalance but if it ever worked (I felt no better but they said I was fixed) it certainly didn't stay fixed as the next physiotherapist said my pelvis is up and rotated and 'fixed' me all over again. I began to think that this was physio speak for 'give me your money' and I have given up getting 'fixed' ;)
Piriforms syndrome is fairly easy to detect, have they worked on this muscle at all? Painful?
Did all of these symptoms come together?
If the PN pain was noticeable on that one side first, it may be that you hold yourself slightly differently because of pain and this compensation has lead to piriformis syndrome on the opposite side?? So yes, nerve driven but not directly? Just a guess but try that 'spring' test if you haven't already.
if you are less 'free' on one side then the piriformis muscle may need to compensate too, causing it to tighten. Have you tried easy piriformis stretches? They can work like magic but it will depend on how tight any muscle has become. Myofascial release and acupuncture can help too, acupuncture straight into the muscle itself OR if too painful (was for me ) around the periphery.
None of this has worked for me because the piriformis is the cause of my problems due to a lump/haematoma that formed there after a fall, resulting in scar tissue compressing/entrapping the nerves. Most people have piriformis syndrome because of PN so good targeted treatment can work :) a treat, although as this muscle is deepish it tends to mean a LOT of butt rubbing ;)
Take care,

Re: piriformis pain

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 4:36 pm
by rea
Thanks Helen. Im in pain so cant write much..going to get chiro to order me an mri to find out what is going on..labrel tear, etc. Maybe try to get botox. Pain management w ill give me pain pump. Pn pain is bilateral. I feel it on one side..for u to be dealing on 2 words to express my sympThy for you.

Re: piriformis pain

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 3:44 pm
by Karyn
Hi Rea,
I'm sorry you're struggling so much. Do you have any idea why the swelling has occurred? There's another thread active about this particular subject: ... =17&t=4843

Kind regards,

Re: piriformis pain

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 9:29 pm
by rea
Karyn wrote:Hi Rea,
I'm sorry you're struggling so much. Do you have any idea why the swelling has occurred? There's another thread active about this particular subject: ... =17&t=4843

Kind regards,
There's so much suffering that it's great when one can have even an hour pain free. I'm depending more and more on pain meds...don't have a choice.
Karyn, I was just thinking that I need to ask chiro that tomorrow. He tells me, "When I get this swelling down...." but the swelling has been bad for the 4 months I've seen him. The pain in the si joint is actually lessening and swelling there is not as bad, think had something to do with pubic symphsis. But for my muscles to be soooo swollen and the horrible pain from that exercise was right in the hip socket (labrum) makes me think "labral tear" or something besides si joint problem. I have 3 doc appointments coming up. Maybe I can get one of them to listen and send me where I can get some answers.
Thanks again everyone.

Re: piriformis pain

Posted: Fri May 10, 2013 2:45 pm
by Karyn
Best wishes, Rea!
Please let us know how your appointments go.

Re: piriformis pain

Posted: Sat May 11, 2013 8:42 pm
by rea
Chiro showed me how to use TENS. I'm using that, ice, and heat. He said I have piriformis syndrome, sijd, and psoas (think that's right). Didn't respond to my question about the labral tear. He is referring me to someone but have to wait over a month for appointment. I'm also waiting to here from an orthopedic surgeon to see if he will see me-has to look at my mri and x-rays. They were done before the hip problems became severe. Waiting and suffering is becoming my norm :cry: