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Anti-Inflammatory Diet (Gluten Free Diet)

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 6:17 pm
by hotblondee
I was at my PT appointment yesterday and my PT suggested that I look into and consider changing my diet to an Anti-Inflammatory Diet (aka Gluten Free Diet). I am just starting to do my own research on gluten free diets helping with chronic pain.

Has anyone here switched to a gluten free diet? Has it helped? What are your thoughts/opinions?

Re: Anti-Inflammatory Diet (Gluten Free Diet)

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 11:46 pm
by HerMajesty
I did in fact try it with no help back when I was not even aware I had neuropathy: My symptoms started with neuropathic itch, not pain, so I thought I was looking at an allergic or dermatologic condition.
However, doing a trial of gluten free diet can't hurt.
I do know something about going gluten free because we have a lot of autism in my family, which is often associated with gluten sensitivity, and so both my father and brother have been gluten free for a couple of years now with excellent results in overcoming a number of chronic ailments. If you're going to get results, it will probably take a month or Dad said within 2 weeks of starting he felt 15 years younger.
Due to modern grain breeding in agribusiness, the gluten molecule has become more complex over time and I have read estimates that as many as 20% of the population now has some degree of gluten sensitivity. A trial of diet is the way to see if it helps you, because the blood tests for gluten sensitivity are actually only testing to see if you are sensitive to a small portion of the gluten molecule in its current state.
Like I said, no help to me, but zero harm in trying.

Re: Anti-Inflammatory Diet (Gluten Free Diet)

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 7:27 pm
by calluna
We tried this a while ago, and found it helped. We now exclude all sugar, all grains, and most nightshades, and our diet is basically paleo. It has made such a difference in so many respects, we are never going back to our old way of eating.

Re: Anti-Inflammatory Diet (Gluten Free Diet)

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 12:19 am
by deBBieW
Mt current pelvic therapist also suggested I try wheat/gluten free for a month. I was having other pain issues, jaw, shoulders, knee. Unfortunately, it made no difference to me, and I was very careful about what I ate during that month. I was hopeful, and disappointed when there was no difference.

Give it try, everyone is different.


Re: Anti-Inflammatory Diet (Gluten Free Diet)

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 10:51 am
by calluna
I think it is also quite important to balance the omega 3/6 in the diet as well. In general what we eat has omega 6 in excess, mostly from seed oils in processed foods. Omega 3 oils have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Re: Anti-Inflammatory Diet (Gluten Free Diet)

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 4:54 pm
by hotblondee
I think I may try it. At least for a month and see if there is any difference. I guess worse case scenario would be that it doesn't help, it is at least a healthy change.

Re: Anti-Inflammatory Diet (Gluten Free Diet)

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 4:16 am
by Faith
From my research gluten can remain in the body for up to 8 weeks so it can take 2-3 months to see an improvement. A detox is often helpful first to help "jump-start" an elimination diet. Many natropaths also recommend the elimation of sugar, dairy, and other high potential allergens at the same time and then slowly adding them back in one at a time to see how they affect your body. It's definitely worth a shot. Looking into this myself now. Wish I had tried it back 3 years ago before my pain became so debilitating!

Re: Anti-Inflammatory Diet (Gluten Free Diet)

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 9:41 am
by helenlegs 11
With ref to the sugar/inflammation thing, not sure if you saw this link Faith. ... lvic-pain/

This video is really interesting with ref to a how gluten can affect people (celiac disease)

It's is long(ish) but interesting as mentioned an fairly entertainingly presented, unless I just quite like the guy on the right ;)

and this one

Take care.

Re: Anti-Inflammatory Diet (Gluten Free Diet)

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 4:24 am
by shana
I've tried such a diet in the past saw no change. My friend on the other hand has been on such a diet for abt 6 months (she doesn't have PN but other pelvic issues, endometriosis, IC etc.) she does eat spelt but no other grain and no sugar. There r also certain vegi she doesn't eat and I'm sure there's more to it but I'm not sure. She's seen amazing results so far!

Re: Anti-Inflammatory Diet (Gluten Free Diet)

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2014 3:51 am
by cpps-admin
I posted this link before, but for some reason I'd like explained, it seems to have been deleted. The people running this forum claim to truly want to help their readers to get better, but deleting links like the one below would seem to run counter to that objective

If my posts are arbitrarily deleted without explanation, I will cease posting here. Up to you, mods.