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Jerry Hesch Treatment
Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 6:23 pm
by deBBieW
I had the opportunity to have treatment by Jerry Hesch PT recently. He was teaching a seminar in Wisconsin and I arranged to be evaluated and treated if appropriate. I saw him 2 times in 4 days, the last day he rechecked everything he had done.
I know my PN issues are mechanical, and I’ve had some manual therapy for a rotated sacrum in the past.
He did a very thorough head to toe evaluation, and read through my lengthy history etc. In regards to my pelvis, I had a lower windswept pelvis – to the left, and an anterior tilt.
He did adjustments at the ankle level, knee, hip, pelvis, right rib, right shoulder, and neck. These were all very gentle, long held maneuvers, no pain involved.
He said my left ST ligament was hard as bone, and after treatment it was pliable, and left and right were balanced. I must say I have less tension, and pulling in the left ischial tuberosity area, that had started to improve slightly with pelvic therapy, but now it’s notably better. Not so for the right side unfortunately.
My neck is looser, and that’s a bonus for me. It’s been almost 2 weeks now, and I can’t say I feel any other changes other than mentioned above, but I need to give my body time to adjust. I have not seen any worsening or improvement of the centralized pain in my legs. Jerry is very willing to answer questions, and he is sending me a video with some suggested stretches etc. I also have a small foam wedge to lay on once a week. I feel good knowing he didn’t find any other abnormalities, and perhaps it will prevent some other future scar tissue from forming? No way to know that of course.
This convenient opportunity presented itself, and I’m glad I went. I just want to keep exploring every non invasive option to help manage pain, and help realign my body. I feel I need longer than 2 weeks to fully evaluate the impact, so I’ll let you know how it goes.
Re: Jerry Hesch Treatment
Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 10:56 pm
by helenlegs 11
Thanks for posting your experience Debbie. I have been an admirer of Jerry and his work for a good while. He really knows his stuff and seems to be a someone who is interested in the business of putting people right rather than just 'business'. I hope you continue to get more benefit from this procedure in the weeks ahead.
Take care,
Re: Jerry Hesch Treatment
Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 1:26 pm
by nyt
I have heard very good things about Jerry Hesch. I am glad the visit was helpful for you. Wish there were more practioners out there like him.
Re: Jerry Hesch Treatment
Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 3:08 am
by Violet M
Thanks for the update Debbie. I hope you see further improvements.
I would be great if your PT could learn the techniques.
Re: Jerry Hesch Treatment
Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 5:23 am
by kathyd
Hi folks,
I happend to come across a website about Jerry Hesch and his treatment techniques looked promising, tho his location is in Las Vegas.
I am in NJ.
I was told by osteopath that my sacrum is out of alignment.. and My mri's shows some mechanical things that Jerry H treats, like hyermobility and tilted coccyx and more.
Does anyone have any recent success or info to report on his treatments..
He sounds gentle and not risky. yet knowledgeable and intriguing
Any info would be appreciated!
Re: Jerry Hesch Treatment
Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 6:01 am
by HerMajesty
kathy, I was a (Las Vegas local) patient of Jerry's; and after that I worked with him on his seminar business (continuing ed for PT's) for over a year. I strongly believe in his methodology and talents; however what he does is specific: he realigns the pelvis and any other joints that are out of alignment. the extent to which this corrects your pain is directly dependent on how much of your symptoms are caused by the pelvic misalignment. For me, I had significant immediate relief and a period of remission; but since I also had tarlov cyst disease I eventually began to deteriorate again until I got the tarlov cysts surgically repaired. As far as his ability to align your pelvis, I would say 100% competent and with brief treatment (I had 2 adjustments and a recheck over the span of a week or so - his out of town patients often stay less than a week). He promotes patient independence, so while personally my pelvis stayed fully aligned, he is able to address any ongoing hypermobility by sending you home with the information to self - adjust.
However, one of the most thoroughly trained practitioners of Hesch Method is located significantly closer to you: Robert Shapiro in Huntington, NY:
So your choice whether to make the cross county trip: Jerry of course is the originator of Hesch Method but I would say of all the other PT's I know of, Rob is the one who has trained with Jerry most extensively.
Re: Jerry Hesch Treatment
Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 11:07 pm
by beverley
i just called Jerry and asked him to recommend someone in new york. He recoomended a massage therapist in New York city as well as Lila abbate and the Shapiro at Gold Coast -- who are both in long island. i can give you the massage therapists info if you would like to contact him,
Re: Jerry Hesch Treatment
Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 11:34 pm
by kathyd
Thanks Beverly,
That's a good idea..Jerry's website looks promising.
New >York City is closer to me, Tho Shapiro Sounds good too.
For Logistiscs I think i would like to try the massage therapist first..(hubby has been drving me all over the place!)
Yes that would be great if you could give me the massage therapist's number.
Do you have any sacral issues as well?
I had a labrum tear repair surgery also...(which I think was unneccessary but advised at the time to see if it would help with urinary issues...It didn't..I think your signature mentioned your having the repair as well..(unless I have you mixed up with someone else?)
Thanks Beverly
Re: Jerry Hesch Treatment
Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 11:48 pm
by kathyd
Hi Her Majesty
Thanks for the info regarding Jerry Hesch and Rob Shapiro. Its nice to hear his work was able to help you until you had your surgery..
So glad to hear you are doing well following your TC surgery.
Are the good results that you've had a normal occurence with this surgery, or more rare...(I know it depends on each case)
I can't fly right now due to my severe sit pain... so its great to have a local resource
I will check into both Rob Shapiro and tell him about my case
It would be worth a call to see if I am a candidate.
Thanks again!
Re: Jerry Hesch Treatment
Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 12:05 am
by HerMajesty
The stats my surgeon keeps on his patients are fairly positive, considering the severity of the disorder - but they are far from 100% and also reflect improvement rates vs. cure rates. From my discussions in the TC community I am not surprised, since although I feel like I was pretty far gone by the time I got the sugery (8 years of nerve compression), objectively many people go in MUCH more disabled and hence I would assume with more severe nerve damage. Delay in diagnosis and treatment because of the rarity of the disease, has not done us any favors. I do know somebody who was in better shape than me when she went to have TC surgery, and came out of it worse. So yes it does depend on each case, but the postop data collection is fairly rigorous and overall the success rate is decent.
I hope you are able to get some relief through Manual Therapy.