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Can extreme cold weather cause pelvic muscle spasm?

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 8:57 pm
by Kit
I have had pudendal pain (sitting and penis) pain since 2004. I had pudendal decompression re-surgery by Dr. Hibner Nov 12, 2012. Recovery seemed to be going well for the first 2 months. I am taking the same pain med (methadone) and same amount that I took before this surgery.

Starting at about 2 months out the penis tip pain started getting worse. Then about 5 days ago, unfortunately I had to spend about an hour outside in zero degree Farenheit weather, twice over 2 days (no electricity and generator problems).

Starting the next day or 2 my pelvic area started spasming. Not sure which muscle yet. Yesterday and today the spasms are pretty awful, which of course leads to more penis pain also.

Does anyone know if exposure to extreme temperatures could cause pelvic muscle spasms?

Second question...Dr. Hibner repaired a severed Sacrotuberous ligament by patching in a 4 inch strip of cadaver. Does anyone know if the "reactivation" of the ligament or the cadaver part could cause spasming? I have no idea how the body handles the cadaver parts and cannot find any posts on this subject.

Thanks in advance if anyone can help on either question. Kit.

Re: Can extreme cold weather cause pelvic muscle spasm?

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 3:05 am
by Violet M
Kit were you doing anything strenuous like trying to pull the cord to start the generator? Maybe that threw your alignment out or something?? Maybe a combination of the cold and the strenuous activity has put you into a flare-up. Please take it easy and hopefully things will settle down soon. Maybe seeing a manual therapist will get things back in alignment if that is a problem.


Re: Can extreme cold weather cause pelvic muscle spasm?

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 2:22 am
by Kit
Well, I am going to reply to my own question. In the 10 years of having pudendal pains, I have often had problems with the pelvic floor muscles on my right side. But always they had just put pressure on the pudendal nerve and thus causing more penis pain. Never had a pelvic floor muscle itself actually caused pain itself.

As a result of being outside in zero degree F weather for an hour die to an electrical outage, for a period of 6 days, one of my pelvic floor muscles spasmed so much that I could not lay at all. So if I stood up I had level 8 penis pain. And if I layed down on my side I had level 8 pain from a pelvic floor muscle. I think it was the obturator internus, but it could have been the levator ani.

There are no other conditions or considerations that I can think of that might have caused this except for the exposure to cold.

After 6 days of hell, the muscle pain just went away. I assume that that muscle is still spasming and causing pressure on the pudendal nerve. But it is not causing muscle pain when I lay down.

This is just to provide info in case it might help someone else.

Re: Can extreme cold weather cause pelvic muscle spasm?

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 12:04 pm
by flyer28
Cold weather is surely worsening all pelvic pains, because the muscles are always involved.
is your pain positional? I mean you feel immediate difference when standing, sitting, laying...?

Re: Can extreme cold weather cause pelvic muscle spasm?

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 12:15 pm
by helenlegs 11
Thank goodness you feel better now Kit. I could well imagine that freezing whether could have this effect when you already have nerve and muscle issues. Did you rest much when experiencing the pain? Just asking because if anything like this does happen again, you will know what makes it disappear :)
Take care, and thanks for the update.