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Surgery Recovery
Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 9:16 pm
by GraceAnn
I had bi-lateral nerve decompression surgery last Weds. 1/23/13. So far it's been an emotional, physical, and mental roller coaster. I'm hoping there are people who want to help me with prayer, affirmation, visualization, etc. I'm going to try and make a daily visit to the forum. If anyone has questions, comments, experiences they want to share with me, I will appreciate your contact.
Thank you.
Re: Surgery Recovery
Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 12:15 am
by janetm2
Hi GraceAnn,
Hang in there! I think the first week or two were the toughest and I had just one side. As they say ICE is your friend and maybe round the clock painkillers. It should calm down but I cannot lie it is a long slow road. Hopefully worth it as it has been for me. Some things I was misinformed about was an idea of working and driving after a month, so 3 months made more sense in my case, but again I am now working enough to keep myself considered full time. Tramadol was helpful after the oxycodone I took the first few weeks. Acupuncture helped with loosening up the area around the incision but probably that was not until a fewmonths post op also PT. You should have some info from the doc. Stairs are still off my list and for the most part just take it slow no matter what and very slow. Take Care and hope the roller coaster slows and lets you off! Janet
Re: Surgery Recovery
Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 12:47 am
by helenlegs 11
Wishing you the very best for your post op recovery GraceAnn. Both sides! What was found (sorry you may have posted that already) but did Dr Conway (wasn't it?) find what he expected to find?
Do you have some physiotherapy in place?
Be good to yourself, slowly does it.
Take care,
Re: Surgery Recovery
Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 2:43 pm
by Rosemary
Wishing you well GraceAnn.
Rosemary x
Re: Surgery Recovery
Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 8:41 pm
by GraceAnn
Thanks to everyone who responded, your thoughts and wishes are the best. I know I'm just coming out of this surgery so I'm trying to be as optimistic about a full recovery as I can. I have has some burning on left side and down back of left thigh. I am seeing Dr. Conway on Thursday for follow up then leave NH for CT to recuperate at my daughter's. I will continue to report my progress. Thank you all.
Re: Surgery Recovery
Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 3:41 pm
by HerMajesty
Hi GraceAnne, I needed / had a different kind of surgery (tarlov cyst), but same deal...long term recovery, with lots of bumps in the road post-op. Initially I had some things better than pre-op and some things worse. I am 10 months out and now everything is better than pre-op but it has been a 2 steps forward / one step back process which is nowhere near complete yet. It can be frustrating; for example after steady improvement I did one day of really foolish over activity at month 4, and spent all of the 5th month with my progress virtually erased. Just remember it is the long term, not the short term, you are aiming for. Take short term setbacks for what they are. Solicit prayer shamelessly. I will contribute some of that. It gets better but takes a lot of patience not to get discouraged.
Re: Surgery Recovery
Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 8:20 pm
by kathyd
Hi Grace Anne,
Wishing you the best and as speedy a recovery as possible. You will have lots of prayer and good thoughts here!
How did you like Dr Conway as a surgeon?
Take care,
Re: Surgery Recovery
Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 6:05 pm
by Violet M
GraceAnn, I'm saying some prayers for you. After surgery I remember wondering if I had made a mistake because initially things were worse. Slowly the new pains started to fade but the first months were tough. I agree with what the other gals have said -- use lots of ice, take pain meds, and take it easy.
Re: Surgery Recovery
Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 2:17 pm
by GraceAnn
I'm into the end of my second week. Surgery was 2/23. I still have some numbness in the posterior area. I have been off all pain meds for one week today. I use ice for some burning I get occasionally. Tylenol for more discomfort. Dr. Conway is a great doctor but I feel he has done so many of theses he knows the rules for recovery and gets frustrated if he feels I'm trying to push the envelope. Since I'm bi-lateral it seems most post-op guidelines don't apply to me. I'm not sure that he found what he expected but apparently found a lot to fix. There are some things I wish I had been aware of before the surgery but it all worked out.
I will try to answer any and all questions in my posts. I am doing one or two sets of steps a day. I rest a lot, onmy back or sides. PT won't happen till at least after the 6 th week. I'm optimistic and feel that I did the right thing. I've asked friends and family to send prayers, healing thoughts and/or visualizations my way. I feel that my pre- op preparation emotionally did help immensely during the surgery, hospital and hotel stay. Next phase is going home to my house which in some ways will be the hardest.
Anyone preparing for any surgery should read Preparing for Surgery and Recovery by Peggy Huddleston. Finding her book really helped me. I plan on seeing Dr. Conway at the 6-8 week point for follow- up.
Any other questions or experiences to share let me know.
Thanks everyone!
Re: Surgery Recovery
Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 3:31 pm
by Karyn
Hi GraceAnn,
It's normal to have numbness in the posterior region. Everyone is different, but it took about 12 weeks for that to subside for me. Good for you about shelving the pain meds!
I only took mine for about 3 days after the surgery and then switched to ibuprophen. Much more helpful, with less side effects.
GraceAnn wrote:Since I'm bi-lateral it seems most post-op guidelines don't apply to me.
GraceAnn wrote:There are some things I wish I had been aware of before the surgery but it all worked out.
Could you please explain what mean by this?
GraceAnn wrote: PT won't happen till at least after the 6 th week.
Usually, Dr. Conway doesn't recommend PT for at least 12 weeks after surgery. Even then, he'll leave it up to the patient to decide. What type of PT do you plan on persuing?