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eating issues / disorders

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 10:30 pm
by kat
I think there may be a connection between PN and eating issues or eating disorders.

Growing up I often vomited due to pain and I didn't tell my parents or docs because I thought they would think I had an eating disorder.
I drank Ensure to make sure I was healthy since that is what they gave me whenever I was sick.
I did manage to shrink my stomach and developed 3 stomach ulsures (I can't figure out how to spell that word).
As I grew up I developed the ability to swallow my vomit so I grew out of this issue.

Nausea is a problem for some of us due to pain or the pain meds we are on.

I may be the only one who had this issue and I still drink Ensure when I can't seem to hold food down due to pain.

Does anyone relate to this? I would love to hear how your eating habits have changed due to PN.


Re: eating issues / disorders

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 11:55 pm
by Emily B
I totally think that any kind of pain can affect the entire digestive tract. Chronic pain probably has even more devastating effects. I have fibromyalgia and I notice that when I'm extremely fatigued, I eat more...just can't feel full.

Emily B.

Re: eating issues / disorders

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 1:07 am
by Tiny Dancer

You are absolutely write. When my pain is moderate, I have nausea. When the pain is bad, I vomit.
That is actually part of Dr. Hibner's questionaire before your first visit.


Re: eating issues / disorders

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 1:36 am
by kat
Conway asked me about the same thing.
I just wanted a thread started on this site to let us talk about this issue.
I usually don't eat when the pain is bad and only drink Ensure. Sometimes for days at a time.
When the pain is low I eat everything in site because I don't know when I will loose my appetite again so I take advantage.
Since surgery and as the pain and nausea are slowly getting better I have noticed my healthy eating habits returning.
When the pain is bad I force food down with the meds.

Thanks for letting me talk about this. I just want others to know PN or any chronic pain for that matter change eating habits.
I'm glad others feel comfortable talking about this.

The more we understand PN and chronic pain the better able we will be able to fight it ourselves and prepare others for the battle if they develop it.
