Good luck for the 20th
. Pain management is a multi faceted discipline nowadays including acupuncture and physio and is definitely not simply shuffling off into the sunset after hopelessness has set in.
In fact it is THE new big thing to some extent with fantastic advances as the clever people work out the correlations between the brain and pain and therefore what can help to overcome the sensation of pain. Got to be good.
I have become quite interested in that side (just reading up a bit) and find a lot of it really fascinating, just wish I was clever enough to understand more. I would love to read the Explain Pain (Butler and Mosley) book but it is a bit expensive (I think anyway)
It's really just another avenue for help Ellie, everyone should really have the opportunity to get some pain management and probably sooner rather than later.
I would love to know what they suggest for you and how you fare.
Actually I have been referred to local pain management too
. My slight problem is that although I do have a pelvic neuralgia diagnosis, well more than one (greedy girl that I am!) The
local medical community still have difficulties believing in pelvic nerve entrapments or maybe just that I have them (still not sure which one). However, I had a lovely chat with a pain management lady Dr. who sent me for acupuncture.
I'm in the situation where I still have to prove that I have pelvic nerve entrapments. The only thing with pain management that does worry me is people going, when the medics believe there is no pathology creating the pain and problems, as the body and damaged tissue is
supposed to heal and shouldn't last to a chronic pain stage.
Of course this is not true for nerve irritation or entrapments but unlike other, easier to define chronic pain problems, pelvic neuralgia is difficult to diagnose due to a lack of awareness and difficulty with imaging etc to show the problem. So the pelvic neuralgia patient can easily be mistaken for the pain as a disease, 'pain syndrome' patient.
Obviously this will not happen to you as you have gathered non negotiable history along the way.
I have also been seeing a massage therapist recently. He hasn't been able to work on my bum and piriformis (well he tried and AARGH!) but he has been working on my back, shoulders and neck particularly (oh, feet too) I have SO many tight muscles it is crazy, most I had no clue about and it is taking an age to release them but I do feel much better for this.
Had cupping today (weird!) and my back is covered in red wheals, to be honest they are more purplish
. My husband thought I'd come down with some kind of plague, until I told him it actually costs good money to be this blemished.
Even tho' this guy hasn't managed a full muscle release yet (I have confidence that he will) The actual massage makes me feel wonderful afterwards and I would recommend something similar to everyone.
Maybe it is a combination of it being just for me with the possibility of some pain release and the peace and calm of this lovely guy that does me good, such a feeling of well being does make everything easier to cope with
Even Jambo (yes that really is his name) reckons everyone should have a good massage every now and again due to, well,'
You could have a borrow Ellie
but for the moment, he is mine ALL MINE!!
Helen x