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In memory of donations?

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 1:58 pm
by janetm2
Hi I am wondering if the donation area has in memory of information and I missed it or if it could be added? It may be too much work but it may help us. On another site they just had entries for the deceased and then the family point of contact and address so I think that could automatically sent the info usually without the dollar amount. I will just ask folks to let me know they donated and their address so the family can sent acknowledge ment. Wish I were retired so I could help with this section. Thanks,

Re: In memory of donations?

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 5:43 am
by Violet M
I'm sorry, Janet, we don't currently have that set up. We will have to do some research into it. If you have any instructions on how to go about this let me know. Also, if you could give me a link to the site that I could go to that has this capability that would be helpful.



Re: In memory of donations?

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 10:54 am
by janetm2
This is a relatively recent site that had that and then some but the basics should be viewable:
Thanks again,

Re: In memory of donations?

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 10:05 pm
by janetm2
The following (changing Honoree to memorial - I'll have to check another site for appropriate term) is the additional information needed to ensure the deceased is listed and then the family is notified and I believe most charities do not disclose the donation amount. Also, it may be a time or money saver if the acknowledgment information included an email address if known so you could just email to the family and they can get the donator's name and address to send the formal mailed card via their email.

Honoree and Acknowledgment Information
Note: Wounded Warrior Project does not disclose the donation amount.
Send Acknowledgement of My Donation to:
Address Line 1:
Address Line 2:
Zip Code:

I found another example of general donation which includes asterisks for required fields: ... enow/index
Donate And Save Lives
Join the fight against cancer by donating to the American Cancer Society
YOUR GIFT * Required Fields
Contact Information
First Name: *
Last Name: *
Email: *
Confirm Email: *
Gift Type
A gift to honor or remember a friend, family member, or loved one.
(You'll be able to send a card after you complete your donation.)
Type of Card:
First Name: *
Last Name: *
A general gift to help in the fight against cancer.
Where would you like to designate your gift?
Gift Amount
How much would you like to give?
$50$75$100$250Other $
Would you like this to be a recurring monthly donation?
Yes, charge me $50 on the 15th of every month.
Billing Address
First Name: *
Last Name: *
Address Line 1: *
Address Line 2:
City: *
State/Province: *
Postal Code: *
Country: *
Payment Information
Payment Type: *
Account Number: *
Security Code: * This is a 3-digit code located on the back of the card for Visa, Mastercard, and Discover and a 4-digit code on top of the account number on the front of the card for American Express.
Expiration Month: *
Expiration Year: *
Thanks but I am starting to blur on this and not sure I can notice any more to suggest for changes but you can review and compare to see what you might want to put on the HOPE donation. I believe we could be missing some good donations without this section and we need all the help we can get. Wish I was retired and able to do this without so many other things to handle.

Re: In memory of donations?

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 6:32 am
by Violet M
Thanks Janet. I will have to research this some more and run it by the HOPE board of directors. Our current policy is that for privacy reasons we do not give out donor addresses or names. I have sent you an e-mail on what we might be able to do for your family's situation.

Best regards,


Re: In memory of donations?

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 12:31 am
by janetm2
Thanks and it is clearly up to the HOPE directors as to whether they want to add this feature and how, research would be best. I realized today that I just need to get with the current trends but so hard when I grew up we always sent a thank you and that may not really be the policy nowadays with the privacy acts. Many thanks for your other email and willingness to do what you can and taking time for it, I really appreciate it. As everyone who goes through these situations it is really hard to think clearly. Hoping the fog lifts soon, at least my PT put me back in alignment, fixed the rotation and gave the feet a work over so maybe my physical pain will go down a bit. Of course if anything like when my Mom passed the emotional stuff and partial fog stuck around for months, at least I know that and won't worry why it is not clearing. Thanks to everyone for their support.

Re: In memory of donations?

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 6:29 am
by Violet M
Janet, I'm sorry you are going through this stressful time.

We have never been asked about "In Memory of" donations before -- we are a fairly new organization. Now that you have brought it to our attention I think it is a good idea to have once we can get it worked out.



Re: In memory of donations?

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 9:56 pm
by janetm2
Once again thanks and I know the org is new and probably is adding as you go along. I thought of another idea I can look into and let you know if it is plausible some time next year, might be too much work but they have a charity drive at work that is fairly substantial.

Re: In memory of donations?

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 6:50 pm
by Violet M
Thanks Janet. Any ideas would be welcome.
