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Connective Tissue Disorders & Nerve Stretch Injuries

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 11:36 pm
by Faith
I read a very interesting article on about the possible correlation between Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS), a connective tissue disorder, and CRPS - complex regional pain syndrome that I thought might be of interest to some of us on this forum who have biomechanical issues like SIJD/hip pathology and nerve pain/central sensitization. Here is a link to the article

From the abstract:

The association of these two diagnoses leads us to hypothesize that EDS might contribute to the development of CRPS in one or more of the following ways: via stretch injury to nerves traversing hypermobile joints, increased fragility of nerve connective tissue, or nerve trauma from more frequent surgery

Of course there are currently no known treatments specifically for EDS, but this might help some understand the "why" of how they developed PN and why some people seem to have poorer outcomes to surgery and develop CRPS post-op while others do not. In order to be diagnosed with EDS it is best to see a geneticist- usually one must see a pediatric geneticist at a larger teaching hospital. From my research you should ask specifically if they diangose adult-onset EDS.

Re: Connective Tissue Disorders & Nerve Stretch Injuries

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 10:39 pm
by Violet M
Here's a link that should not expire:

Re: Connective Tissue Disorders & Nerve Stretch Injuries

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 6:03 pm
by helenlegs 11
Thanks Faith (and Violet) Very Interesting.
I score 4 on the hypermobility test but one thumb isn't completely 'passive' (touching forearm) so maybe only 3 and 1/2 :) so no EDS.
I know that my hypermobility is genetic as my son is ridiculously 'flexible' and his son, Rufus has been diagnosed as hypermobile now too.They would both score more than me I know.
Rufus gets very tired with it and seems clumsy because of it. He's 4. At least there is this explanation now, I just put my Ben's (son's) clumsiness, 'lethargy' and positively no sporting prowess whatsoever, down to his dominating academic capabilities while he was growing up. Thankfully we have no EDS proper (skin etc)but it is good to be aware of this problem and it's possible consequenses. I am never surprised that people who suffer pelvic pain (especially piriformis associated) say they have some hypermobility, so many have mentioned it. I don't think that you need true EDS to be more tissue injury prone.
My party trick was a back bend, from standing, although I have to say that I would simply fall on my head these days if tried :o .
I also think that because I am more flexible I am more likely to do tissue damage rather than break a bone through falls etc. Just a theory, but I was told that I would have had to have broken my pelvis (and obviously I haven't) to have the pelvic pain I have (that was back in my early days of PN discovery, in that I didn't know it existed!) although this particular Dr wasn't PN or PS aware so this wouldn't help of course.
Are you hypermobile or do you have EDs?
Thanks again for this,