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Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 10:52 pm
by rea
I emailed Dr.Dellon and he advised me to get this cyst checked out- said it could be all my problem. My MRN showed hyperintensity of perineal branch more on right. Anyone have this before?
5 mm periuretheral cyst at the level of the of the bladder base on the left.
Re: CYST AT BASE OF bladder
Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 3:26 pm
by Geraldine
My recent MRI scan showed a periurethral cyst at the right side of the bladder and bladder neck, which was about the size of a golf ball. I went to see a urology consultant and he said that as it was in close proximity to Alcocks canal there was a possibility that it could press on the nerves when I moved and therefore cause pain. He explained that there was no gauruntee that removing it would lessen my pain and he left the decision to me. He discussed the procedures to remove it ,one of which sounded quite major. Anyway I was fortunate as an internal examination showed that the cyst was palpable and therefore could be removed transvaginally. After much consideration I decided to have it removed in August. Luckily it was nothing sinister. The consultant did expalin that with my pain history ( more than 4 years ) it would be at least 6 weeks post op before I would have any idea if it had helped reduce my pain levels. It is now 3 months since I had the op, the pain did get worse initially but now I think there may be a slight reduction in pain. I'm hoping it might continue to decrease but I am still pleased I had it removed. Hope this helps.
Re: CYST AT BASE OF bladder
Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 5:38 pm
by rea
Thank you for the reply. Wow, a golf ball. Guess if left alone, this cyst of mine would grow also. Mine is 5mm while a nerve is 1mm. also, I have suggestive entrapment of perineal branch which breaks off at the alcocks canal. the nerve also innervates the bladder. Correct me someone if i'm wrong. So, what you wrote makes sense. wouldn't it be great if once cyst removed the pn would go away? I never get my hopes up with this. also, have bad sijd on left side. working on that right now.