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Re: Getting more active with pain

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 12:46 am
by Mod4

If you can forward the document to one of the Mods we can try to upload it for you.

Re: Getting more active with pain

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 3:46 am
by Violet M
Mod4, Sunil already sent it to me. I haven't been able to figure out how to get it on the forum but if you can that would be great.


Re: Getting more active with pain

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 7:33 pm
by Violet M
Here it is Sunil.
Getting more active with Pain.pdf
(833.21 KiB) Downloaded 590 times

Re: Getting more active with pain

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2012 6:55 am
by kathyd
Thanks for loading this!
Very interesting and uplifting..
I am going to try again to be more active, despite the pain...If anything it does help with mood.
I am going to re-read this...wish there was local person here in my are to advise us on how much is safe..

Re: Getting more active with pain

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 6:56 am
by kathyd
Thanks Sunil
Good advice ... My loved ones are encougaging me to get back to exercising.
It does wonders for the overall mood..I know my doctors would encourage it as well..
Like the presentations said, even if we can walk for short times daily it helps.
I have found that going to the mall is another informal way to get exericise/ walking etc and shopping,even if I don't buy anythings gets my mind back to happier thoughts.
Thx again for posting the presentation.

Re: Getting more active with pain

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 12:38 am
by Violet M
Speaking from experience as someone who developed pudendal neuralgia from exercising -- if you have a nerve entrapment exercise can further injure the nerve so just be careful. Swimming is generally considered a good exercise if you have PN.


Re: Getting more active with pain

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 5:57 am
by Violet M
sunil wrote:
I would go further and say that you need to get an exercise program that has been approved by your specialist. In my case I have PN due to SIJ dysfunction, so I got the program from my PT.
Good point Sunil. I agree.


Re: Getting more active with pain

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 4:38 pm
by helenlegs 11
Excellent information Sunil.
I can relate to so much of this (in a, 'I know I should way' :oops: ) I particularly like the pacing explanation as opposed to the 'boom and bust' exercise regime that I seem to practice which then simply upholds the exercise=pain nonsense. Although this doesn't stop me as I am bored sick of myself now and this pelvic pain which has defined me for so long.
Love the positivity of all of this.