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Ingenius chair for PN
Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 10:16 pm
by Lernica
Haven't tried it, but the construction principles seem fairly simple. You're basically sitting on air!
Re: Ingenius chair for PN
Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 8:02 pm
by kathyd
Hey Lernica
Thx for posting info about this chair..It looks great!
Ive written to them. It does look like you can sit without your backside touching ...that would be great. I hope to order one.
Seems like europe is often more advanced and innovative than the US, as I haven't heard of a product like that here in the states.
It would be great to find a seat like that to put over a car seat, and allow those of us who are housebound due to sit pain the ability to drive.. that would a big step to getting our lives back! i wonder if anyone knows of car seat ideas/adaptations that allow them to raise up their butts so they don;t feel the pressure of the seat>
Thx again for posting the above.
Re: Ingenius chair for PN
Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 10:18 pm
by pregmom
Hi Kathyd,
What I have found that works for the old fashioned type life can get them at any marine store or perhaps even Walmart. We have a boat, and over the summer, I grabbed one to sit on and low and behold it worked for me. My boyfriend duck taped the sides together so that they do not flop around, and the hole is just the right place for me so that it keeps the areas off the seat that I need, and does allow me to drive. I just put a pillow case over it. Now the type i have the material is nylon and the foam is pretty dense so it doesn't sink like most of the cushions out there. Give it a shot and let me know how you make out. Good Luck!
Re: Ingenius chair for PN
Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 2:50 am
by Lernica
Do you have a prosthesis/rehab clinic in your city? I'm wondering if you could show them the picture and explain your pain and have them make a custom car-sitting device like that. It would be expensive but if you could get a doctor to write you a prescription maybe your insurance would pay for it as a "medical device".
Re: Ingenius chair for PN
Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 6:15 pm
by kathyd
Hi Pregmom
Thx for the idea ..My husband is a kayaker and we have several life jackets and I had thought about trying it.
.I hadnt given them a try as I figured that somehow my anal opening would touch the surface of something....Im not sure of the density of ours
tho that could make a difference.. as it if doesnt sink down. it would be good. I weigh next to nothing so it wouldn't be much pressure on the cushion.
I will show my hubby......maybe a different kind of life jacket would work.
He had treid to make a seat for me by putting wood under a vinyl toilet seat but my area touched the surface and it hurt....
My anal area has become so tender that even the act of kneeling to eat a meal starts up the pain...
Anyway it worthsa try...To drive would just be a life saver for me and for my tired family....who pick up the slack. Thx again for for the idea
and glad it works for you!
Re: Ingenius chair for PN
Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 6:25 pm
by kathyd
Hi Lernica
Thanks for the idea!
I live in NJ not far from NYC so theres bound to be a center like that tho I don't know of one. Any other New York area folks out there know of a hops/rehab place?
I can think of a possible 2 offhand the Hosp for spec surgery possible and the Rusk Rehab center in Manhattan.
I don't know if they offer such a device or could make one as many of these center are devoted to rehab after stroke or accident etc and their devicsesmight relate more to lost limbs etc... I know that Rusk is starting to work with pelvic pain patient as far as exercise and PT etc.. but a doc I met from there was clueless when she heard about my pain issue a year a ago
Anyhow ...thank you so much .... may be worth one of these ctrs
it just that not being able to sit is an ailment that is so foreign to most medical facilities ...that they usually don't know what to offer us...
Something to consider kind of you Lernica to think this of this
I appreciate it
Re: Great cushion to use in your car
Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2012 2:40 am
by lindsayg
You need to look into the twin cheeks pillow from It was developed by a woman who has pudendal pain and has had surgery with Dr. Hibner. It works great at my desk, in the car, restaurants, movies, planes, etc. best if you look at their website and contact Trudy, the developer. She can answer any questions regarding cushion firmness etc., for different problems. I love mine, it goes everywhere with me. Good luck. Let me know, if you do order it, if it helps you.
Re: Ingenius chair for PN
Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2012 6:01 am
by kathyd
Thanks Lindsey for replying
I think I did speak with Trudy last year..forget why I didn't order the product.. Im so happy that you're having the results you need!
A cushion that allows me to drive with with/out increasing pain would be the answer to my prayers. IT would be so great!
Does the cushion stay firm when your body weight touches it, or does it tend to flatten out? I am very thin so there wouldn't be much pressure on the cushion.
Does it keep your anal and perineum areas free from contact?..... I know something has to touch the surface, but as long the anal opening hangs free it might be worth a try..
Thanks for the recommendation.If I do try it I will keep you posted.
Thx again!
Happy Holidays!
Re: Ingenius chair for PN
Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 10:43 pm
by Anne smith
I have also tried every option! Pool noodles, shaped in all sorts of ingenious ways! Roho cushions, too soft! Damaged them trying to get the firmness! My last an latest invention is (while driving) pipe lagging(don't laugh)!in two lengths cut and taped together ,with a strip of memory from over the top! My son, who loves doing calculations?? After working out where our centre of gravity goes? Has come to the conclusion, that the ideal seat for us is one that would tilt us slightly forwards, be hard at the centre core, but have a little memory foam outer casing just to soften the affects on the skin!
I have to agree with him! But how do we begin to make the prototype??
Re: Ingenius chair for PN
Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 4:14 am
by kathyd
Hi Anne
sounds interesting! If it can get you driving, thats great!
Do you have the kind of pain where the anal rectal area can't handle the pressure of the butt touching the surface of the seat?
That 's me ...As soon as I make contact...severe throbbing pain..
Is that similar to your rectal issue in any way?
My hubby is handy with making things , and hopefully could construct such a thing for me if I could tolerate it.
Ive tried it all too as you described ..the anus has to be up off the surface a bit etc.
Thanks for any more details and thx for posting.. Oh how wonnderful it would be to drive soon!