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IPPS and Erdogru
Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 10:46 pm
by carolynm
Dr. Tibet Erdogru presented his PN laparoscopic procedure today at the IPPS conference in Chicago. Both Dr. Hibner and Antolak were there and he spoke with them personally. It will be interesting to see if anyone in the US is inclined to learn this procedure.
Re: IPPS and Erdogru
Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 11:44 pm
by lightmail
I wonder if they are going to want to invest in the time it will take to become skilled at this. I would think it would be hard...Robert
Re: IPPS and Erdogru
Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 12:13 pm
by AliPasha1
Hi Carolynm and Robert,
It will depend again on the sugical results of Dr. Tibet Erdogru.As we are well aware that out of his 5 non-Turkish patients, 2 have shown improvement or are pain free while the others are struggling with considerable pain , no improvements and complications.That seems like a 40% improvement/cure rate at the moment.
Take care,
Re: IPPS and Erdogru
Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 2:29 pm
by Karyn
Hi Ali,
Welcome back to HOPE!
It is my hope that you will be one of Dr. Erdogru's successes. Time will tell ...
I'd be very interested in Dr. Antolak and Dr. Hibners thoughts regarding the laproscopic approach to PN decompression. They're both adept with pelvic, laproscopic surgery.
Warm regards,
Re: IPPS and Erdogru
Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 5:07 pm
by molly
Hi Ali,
I do agree with what hou have said. To the best of my knowledge Iwas Dr Tibet,s first non turkish patient. I am now nearly six months post op and have made roughly 25 3o%improvement, most of this in the last two months. I am naturally pleased with this and hope given time Iwill continue to make progress.
However what Ido not understand is according to Dr Tibet most of his patients make the biggest improvement in the first month. Whilst Ionly have basic knowege ofdamaged nerves Icannot understand how so many people can improve so quickly. Didhe show you these charts on his pc?
I do know his results are not independandly reviwed,but apart from the Nantes team Ido not think any of the other surgeons are either.
The one piece of advise Iwould give to anybody going to Turkey for surgery is take plenty of pain relief as Iwas definitely unprepared in this respect.
Given the longer time frame of recovery it is going to be quite some time before a good picture of Dr Tibet,s results on his non turkish patients becomes clear.
I hope you are doing well.
Regards Molly
Re: IPPS and Erdogru
Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 5:48 pm
by Karyn
molly wrote:However what Ido not understand is according to Dr Tibet most of his patients make the biggest improvement in the first month. Whilst Ionly have basic knowege ofdamaged nerves Icannot understand how so many people can improve so quickly
I don't understand this, either, Molly. With viewing Dr. Tibet's PC charts, what time span was encompassed? There have been patients of the more "traditional" surgical approaches who felt much improved immediately after surgery (I wasn't one of them
), only to have their pain resume. I'm not sure why this is: maybe because of the anesthesia used to bathe the surgical site has worn off?
molly wrote:Given the longer time frame of recovery it is going to be quite some time before a good picture of Dr Tibet,s results on his non turkish patients becomes clear.
I agree. It's impossible to tell if a decompression was successful after only a few weeks/months. I'm very excited to hear that you feel you are improving, albeit slowly, which really
is normal. I sincerely hope this trend continues for you!
Kind regards,
Re: IPPS and Erdogru
Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 6:39 pm
by molly
I cannot be quite sure over what time length we are referring to. Dr Tibet follows patients up at six weeks and then three mo thly for two years. The chart I remember was the first three months, this showed the most improvement in the first month for most people. As he has only been doing this advanced technique , for just over a year at the time Iwent it is a fairly short time frame.
Hope this makes sense.
Regards Molly
Re: IPPS and Erdogru
Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 6:53 pm
by Karyn
Hi Molly,
Thank you for your reply.
Yes, you did a fabulous job of presenting the information.
I'm failing to grasp the concept of "most improvement in the first month", though. However, I'm pleased to hear that Dr. Tibet is making an effort to follow the progress of his patients.
Kind regards,
Re: IPPS and Erdogru
Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 10:45 am
by helenlegs 11
I remember a lady who was Turkish but had previously moved to England (and married an English guy, I think) who may have been one of his first patients, at least a year ago. I think she did a sponsored run for a British pelvic pain charity around this time last year, post surgery.
She had reported that she was 'fine' after a shortish recovery time and probably really well now.
As you say time, and (some) people with a more complex presentation, will determine if this approach is going to be appreciably better than the more traditional surgery.
It will be fantastic if Dr Tibet can achieve good long term results.
Take care,
Re: IPPS and Erdogru
Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 11:21 pm
by Violet M
He Ali and Molly, I have to say both of you were rather brave to be heading off to Turkey for surgery from someone relatively new on the PNE scene. I was one of Bautrant's early US patients and now that I look back on it I wonder if I would be brave enough to travel half-way across the world to a surgeon I knew very little about again. I guess that's what PNE does to you. I have no regrets about going to Bautrant and even if I hadn't improved I would not regret it because it's the kind of illness that you just have to do everything you can to try to get better. Anyway......wishing you both a full and complete recovery!