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New Member from Maryland

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 2:15 pm
by jessyw417
Hi everyone,
I was diagnosed of Pudendal Neuralgia about one year ago by Dr. Richard Marvel. This was after I had undergone two pointless surgeries. Dr. Marvel new what it was the first time I saw him. My regular GYN and my primary doctors had never heard of it.

My symptoms started with pain a couple of days after my period. These episodes would come every couple of hours and would last about twenty minutes. They would knock me off of my feet. There was nothing I could do to help ease the pain. I would be woken up in the middle of the night with these episodes. Other than that, I was living a normal life. The more time went by, the more days the episodes would last. It was so embarrassing I had a very hard time telling anyone because the pain also came with an orgasm. To make everything worse, I had just gotten engaged, I felt like damaged goods.

It wasn't until after Dr Marvel did an endometriosis surgery, that the sitting pain started. I am trying to cope with it. The only thing that helps is Percocet. I don't like to take them with working and I can't afford not to work. Does anyone know if this would qualify for disability?

I had a nerve block done in spring 2010. It worked and it was amazing. I was happy again, living a normal life. Then it wore off, and the second one didn't take (two weeks before my wedding). I am back to pretending to be happy and trying to get by. I have to say, it is nice to know I am not alone anymore.

Baltimore, MD

Re: New Member from Maryland

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 3:23 am
by Violet M
Hi Jessica,

Welcome to the forum. You are right, you are not alone and hopefully you can get some answers here. Just wanted to say that it is not unusual for nerve blocks to wear off or to not help at all but that doesn't mean you are consigned to live with the pain. It can be a bit of a journey going through the treatment options but hang in there and keep reading the forum to find out what options you have available.

Congratulations on your upcoming wedding. Is your fiance very understanding about all of this?


Re: New Member from Maryland

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 3:18 am
by frickla
Hi Jessica,

I recently starting seeing Dr. Marvel. Is he still treating you? I don't understand why you say that you got PN after surgery for endo. What happened to cause this and was the surgery that caused the PN with Dr. Marvel or another doctor? What are your options at this point? I hope you will get the help you need.

Laura from VA

Re: New Member from Maryland

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 6:03 am
by nyt
Welcome! This site is full of all kinds information and wonderful people. Congrats on your wedding. Please keep us posted on your treatment options, struggles with decisions, and progress.