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Walter reed hospital
Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 6:00 am
by Rech
FYI, My pain doctor informed me that Walter Reed Hospital has formed a pudendal nerve specialty group due the the number of soldiers that are having pudendal problems. I assume that the training regiment is causing our young boys to develop it, and I hope our service departments make the connection.
Re: Walter reed hospital
Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 4:45 am
by Violet M
Wow, that's good to know that our service men and women are going to be able to receive care for this condition. Thanks for posting this info.
Re: Walter reed hospital
Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 5:18 pm
by helenlegs 11
WOW! indeed. I remember a girl from the US who had piriformis syndrome due to a trauma and was also able to get some treatment with the military.
I sometimes think that as a formerly fit individual (nothing to do with soldiering) who is somewhat stalwart and capable, I get compared to the rest of the general public who show up often in the Dr's surgery, who lets face it are sometimes far from fit.
My old doctor from where I used to live would have known that if I said I had a problem, then, I had a problem, whereas this, not new now but newer Dr, didn't have a clue about me. I can still walk, bend and stand, but it hurts. If I walk, sit, stand and bend for any length of time it hurts more but who is to know how much pain someone can endure and what others can not. It is all subjective.
In a community like the military where you have to be of tough stuff just to be there, I would say that there is MORE likely hood that a pain problem would be taken seriously. Congratulations to them for taking this seriously.
Hup two, three, four,
will they take on
a few more??
Five, six, seven, eight
Some of us are
a right state!