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New technologies

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 5:05 am
by Rech
Hi, I am new, post bilateral surgery. Please check out these therapies or technologies.
1. Search dry needling for trigger point release
2. for reduced nerve pain
3. for shockwave therapy for non invasive trigger point/muscle pain relief.
I have not tried shockwave therapy, but I have the company search for a location for me.
Best regards, Bill

Re: New technologies

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 4:12 am
by Violet M
Bill, are you from the old forum? I remember someone over there named rechbill who was always coming up with new therapy ideas. :D How are you doing these days?

We've got a few members who have tried electroshock wave therapy -- some with good results, some not. It seems like that's how it is around here -- it seems like different therapies work for different people and there is no one tried and true treatment that works for everyone.


Re: New technologies

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 5:17 pm
by chaimah2009
Hi; It has been quite a while since I have been on the site. I had Surgery(TGIR) a year ago, by Dr. Conway. Took several months, before feeling human again. I am back to PT and am better since the surgery, but not totaly cured yet. The pain still gets bad as the day progresses and I still have to adjust my activities, sitting, ect. I have not heard of the new technologies that Bill mentioned, but I will research them as I do evrything I read about. I am just sick of living with daily pain, as all of you are and after several years my family just does not want to hear about it any more. So, I smile, tell a lot of jokes and when they ask, tell them I'm fine. My question in regards to new technologies is, has anyone heard about graded motor imagery? I am looking now for any type of treatment,ect. that helps to retrain the brain, for a chronic pain patient. I truly want to try anything that will hopefully stop the need for pain meds. Thanks(Dx-Pudendal neuralgia with entrapment 2009- nerve blocks -5-6/ PT off and on 2-3 years- tried acupuncture before surgery- also did reiki-currently do meditation )

Re: New technologies

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 5:28 am
by rechbill
Hi, Violet, I have not been posting for a long time. My PN is better to the point that I can sit, but I am left with muscle cramps in my glutes, periformis, rotators , and hamstrings, Baclofin and Dantrolene are helping with dry needling, but it is a slow process. I haven't found someone who will do shockwave therapy, yet. How are you? Bill

Re: New technologies

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2014 8:45 pm
by Violet M
rechbill wrote:Hi, Violet, I have not been posting for a long time. My PN is better to the point that I can sit, but I am left with muscle cramps in my glutes, periformis, rotators , and hamstrings, Baclofin and Dantrolene are helping with dry needling, but it is a slow process. I haven't found someone who will do shockwave therapy, yet. How are you? Bill
Hi Bill,

I'm doing well, thanks for asking. I'm back to work and able to exercise some but still have to be a bit careful. The pelvic instability I have is a permanent thing -- no real good cure for the ligaments.

Have you tried a TENS unit for the muscle cramps? I found the TENS unit to be great for getting rid of post-PNE piriformis syndrome.

