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Appointment with Dr Greenslade

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 11:39 am
by Geraldine
I just wondered if anyone is having a problem making an appoinment with Dr Greenslade. My last appointment with him was in May to discuss the MRI scans he had arranged for me to have. They showed a urology problem so he refered me to a urology consultant that he knew to try to eliminate that problem from a diagnosis of my pelvic pain. As a result of my appoinment with the urologist I had surgery and am now recoverd from that. I now need to see Dr Greenslade again to discuss my pelvic pain and see where we go next. I have left three messages in the last two weeks but haven't had a reply yet. Has anyone else had this problem? and has anyone any suggestions on how I can get another appointment.


Re: Appointment with Dr Greenslade

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 5:15 pm
by chillijava
which hospital a you seeing him at as i do have a contact number for his receptionist at the nuffield bristol hospital

Re: Appointment with Dr Greenslade

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 8:10 pm
by calluna
I had a lot of problems getting in touch at one point last year, turned out that his secretary had been off sick for quite a while and there had been a selection of temps filling in, and they were not really doing the job properly. This was at Frenchay, my situation was that I was supposed to have been referred to another consultant and the referral had not arrived, turned out it had not got past the secretary's desk. In the end I did get through to an actual person at the Pain Clinic at Frenchay and they sorted it out for me straight away.

I would suggest that you just keep ringing the clinic until you do get through to an actual person. Make sure you tell them that you've left three previous messages and nobody has come back to you.

Hope you get through ok - I shall be looking for an appt myself in a few months time!

Re: Appointment with Dr Greenslade

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 8:54 pm
by Geraldine
Thanks for both your replies. I have seen Dr Greenslade as a private patient at the Bristol Nuffield as I was getting nowhere with my G.P, her attitude now is well you just have pelvic pain and have to live with it. I have been leaving messages on Dr Greenslade's Practice Mananger's number, which is the number I have used before. When I last spoke to her she explained that she was a nurse at the pain clinic at Frenchay which is why she wasn't always able to answer her phone. Maybe you have a better number for him Andrea, I would appreciate it if you could let me have the one you have. Dr Greenslade was so helpful when I saw him, such a change from many of the other doctors I have seen in the last four years.

Re: Appointment with Dr Greenslade

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 12:12 pm
by chillijava
hi geraldine
i have a mobile number for his secretary/nurse, it is as follows
07974412933, she told me she has this mobile with her at all times


Re: Appointment with Dr Greenslade

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 4:26 pm
by helenlegs 11
Hi Julia,
Have you managed to get through at all? I know that my GP wrote to Dr Greenslade some months ago and it took him ages, but he did reply, eventually. He apologised and put the delay down to pressure of work load.
I do hope that you get an appointment, let us know what happens.
Take care,

Re: Appointment with Dr Greenslade

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 9:30 am
by Geraldine
Just to let you know I have managed at last to get an appointment with Dr Greenslade. I rang again on Tuesday and amazingly Catherine answered the phone. She had got my previous messages and apologised for not contacting me' but explained that she had been waiting to sit down with Dr Greenslade and sort out when he was next holding his private clinics. She said he had been extremely busy with lectures in France and heavy theatre schedules, even at the weekends. It sounds as if he never stops. She has managed to fit me in on October 4th, which is not very long to wait so I was quite delighted. She told me that she had 10 others on the list to make appoinments for and as the majority were new patients they needed 90 minute slots so she couldn't fit many in a day. It just shows how much we need more doctors with a knowledge and understanding of pudendal nerve issues. I am so pleased that I found Dr Greensalde through this site. It was so refreshing to be able to talk to a doctor who was genuinely concerned and wanting to help. At my first appoinment after listening careully to my history and pain issues he referred me for MRI scans. I met him again to discuss these and as they showed a urology problem he thought it important to sort that out before discussing pain medication etc. He there and then then put me in touch with a urology consultant that he knew. It means frequent trips to Bristol - at least 90 minutes each way - not ideal but certainly worth it. I will let you know how I get on at my next appoinment.
Once again thanks for all the replies to my post.

Re: Appointment with Dr Greenslade

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 11:46 am
by helenlegs 11
Good! glad you got that sorted.
As you say, many more pelvic nerve pain people are so necessary Julia. If Dr G's diary is so full for private patients, just think NHS!! Although I think he only does one day private? Honestly! they are all clever medical people here, can they not just clone him now ;)
Hmmm, wonder what he was up to in France? was he lecturing or listening?
Take care and good luck for the 4th

Re: Appointment with Dr Greenslade

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2012 10:41 am
by chillijava
hi geraldine
i am seeing dr greenslade for the 1st time the same day as you, we will have to have a party!


Re: Appointment with Dr Greenslade

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 9:11 am
by Geraldine
Hi Andrea

That is amazing that we will be there on the same day, even more amazing if we did bump into each other. If your appointment is anything like my first one with Dr Greenslade you will be so pleased you that you went.
