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BOTOX injections

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 8:46 pm
by lindsayg
I just had my third nerve block with Dr. Hibner. I noticed a slight lessening of pain for a few weeks after the second one. Haven't noticed any change from the nerve block last week. He now wants to do Botox, under general anesthesia, and his physical therapist would like to get in there, while I'm still under anesthetic, to "stretch the hell out of the muscles" as she put it. Has anyone had any experience with the Botox injections. I'm not sure which muscles he's going to inject.

Re: BOTOX injections

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2019 6:33 am
by Jane95
This was posted a long time ago, but I will still reply in case if anyone finds this useful. I had botox done and it was quite helpful. And a very comfortable experience too, especially after long time of chronic pain, anesthesia gave such a nice break from it. But the effect of injections wears away after a few months, so more severe cases would need multiple rounds. I am now trying to find a doctor who does them since the one who did them for me has left her job. So if anyone knows about such doctors in the Chicago area, I would be extremely grateful to know their names cause so far no luck with finding even one.

Re: BOTOX injections

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2019 6:11 pm
by Violet M
Hi Jane,

Who were you seeing before? If it was Diana Atashroo I think she left and went to California but maybe someone in the Northshore Medical Group where she was practicing would know of someone else who gives Botox. Otherwise maybe you could check with some of the PT's in the area to see if they know of any docs who give Botox injections.


Re: BOTOX injections

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 6:04 am
by Jane95
Violet, Yes, I was one of Dr. Atashroo’s last patients at NorthShore. I know she’s in CA now and it is quite far so I was looking for someone closer. Thank you for the list of PTs. I went to some of them already but unfortunately they just say to forget about pain and just do exercises, which I have been doing for 1 yr and 8 months already, and although they help short term, there is still not much overall progress. I feel like even doctors who know about the pudendal nerve in the Chicago area still do not take it seriously. Because I have asked a lot of them to check the possible areas of irritation or entrapment but they dismiss my request and instead do more pelvic floor trigger point work or say it is all from the head.So now I am considering traveling to see some other doctors listed on this website, especially PTs because I think my nerve is just mechanically irritated. But I am also afraid that even those doctors will keep saying that it is all from the head. And I have spent so much money already on doctors who are supposed to know how to treat the pudendal nerve. I will research this website and forum to find doctors who would be more likely to help. Thank you very much for your contribution and help