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TENS unit anyone else have one? (Fixed Image)

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 1:48 am
by blightcp
I just got a tens unit for PN and i love it. I seems to work great when placed at S4 using lower back pain settings.

I found this chart as a refrence it shows what patrs of the spine control what areas and where electrodes should/could go. ... Cchart.jpg

Does anyine else have one? where do you place the electrodes?


Re: TENS unit anyone else have one?

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 10:22 pm
by janetm2
Where you said is the place I put the electrodes, S4. The 24 & 25 on the chart for the bottom 2 electrodes and the top two will be above, guidance was the bottom 2 just above the butt crack. I have not used in awhile but in pain today so may be a good idea to start again.

Re: TENS unit anyone else have one?

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 3:10 am
by blightcp
The only location i have tried is 24 and 25. But it seems to work.

I can feel it at times holding back the pain if that maked sense.

When the occasional shooting pain makes it through, i can feel it disrupted in kind of a "buzzy" way. Less intense at least.

Re: TENS unit anyone else have one?

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 8:27 pm
by blightcp
janetm2 wrote:Where you said is the place I put the electrodes, S4. The 24 & 25 on the chart for the bottom 2 electrodes and the top two will be above, guidance was the bottom 2 just above the butt crack. I have not used in awhile but in pain today so may be a good idea to start again.
I had a flare up starting this moring when it got up, burning and sore in the left groin, it usually takes 3-4 hours to get it under cotroll with pain meds and i basicly have to curl into a ball and try to sleep it off.

I put on the tens around 24-25 on the chart on the post above and it shut it down, it still sensative but i'm not in pain. I'm on my normal pain medication, i did not have to increade it get a breakthrough effect.

Re: TENS unit anyone else have one?

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 3:31 am
by Violet M
I loved my tens unit after surgery -- for the OI spasms and piriformis. I can't get that link to work though so can't comment very well on the placement.
