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Dr Fernando Itza - Madrid

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 4:41 pm
by Mod4
A multidisciplinary Spanish team, located in Madrid, Spain are helping patients suffering pudendal nerve entrapment and myofascial pelvic pain syndrome.
Dr. Fernando Itza is a pain medicine expert and coordinator of this team.
Dr. Itza performs conservative treatments for pudendal neuralgia including: nerve blocks, perineural blocks, trigger point injections, Botox injections and neurostimulation. He provides medication management for neuropathic pain.
Possible surgical procedures are being currently referred to Dr. Bautrant in Aix en Provence (France).
Dr. Gomez ,urologist, provides the first diagnosis and offers the Botox injections and intraprostatic injections when needed (according to Dr. Guercini technique). The surgery will be done in Spain as soon as possible according to Dr. Bautrant technique.
Dr. Zarza, neurophysiologist, performs neurophysiological test including : pudendal nerve motor latency, bulbocavernous reflex, evoked potentials, sympathetic-cutaneous response and electromyography of the external anal sphincter, the levator ani muscle or others muscles.
In addition, he is able to carry out Botox injections and monitoring neuromuscular blockade.

Their PT´s team, led by Lydia Serra, is able to carry out pre- operative care and post-operative care for pudendal entrapment. They are specialized in treating myofascial pelvic pain syndrome, almost always associated with pudendal neuralgia.

Instituto de cirugía urológica avanzada (ICUA)
Paseo de la Castellana, 23. Bajo B
28046 Madrid
Tel: + 91 4 35 28 44
Fax: + 91 308 02 99
e-mail: (Dr.Itza)