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To all those of you who already have a nerve block
Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 2:05 am
by hope
Hello, I have a very important question to all those of you who have already have a pudendal nerve block: Did you gain weight? Because I know they use steroids and I know steroids cause weight gain. I looked up the side effects of nerve blocks and unfortunately there was weight gain. Is it mandatory to use steroids?
Could you please share your personal experience? If you have gained weight then how much? Was it reversible? Was it water or fat? Please let me know all the details.
Thanks in advance!
Re: To all those of you who already have a nerve block
Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 2:47 am
by hauben6
I know that I gained 10-15 lbs since my injury, but I don't specifically remember gaining weight from any of the (3) pn blocks. I was a very active person before pn, and now my life has been remodeled and therefore, my metabolism has changed.
Re: To all those of you who already have a nerve block
Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 4:09 am
by HerMajesty
The steroids from a nerve block are injected locally and are active in your body for a limited time. Steroids are associated with weight gain because people with disorders that require long term oral steroid therapy will generally gain quite a bit of weight. The nerve blocks should not be a worry that way.
Unfortunately, as hauben6 said, many of us gain weight with PN because of trouble continuing previous levels of activity, and because of other meds we might be on. But I don't think the nerve blocks themselves are a worry - except indirectly: If you have a daily excercise routine and you happen to be a person who has a period of increased pain after the block, you might not be up to excercising for awhile.
Re: To all those of you who already have a nerve block
Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 9:37 pm
by blightcp
Ive had 4-5 blocks in thepast 3 years and i did not notice weight gain, nothing like prednizone or other steriods like that.